Subject: Muscle Blueprint -- Step-by-Step

NOTE: You guys are making us proud -- working with you to
build a better, more muscular body, finally growing body parts
you've been having trouble growing, and making your metabolism
go wild -- it's going to be a blast, and I'm going to make sure each
one of you hits your goals. Check out today's email from my partner
Dr. Kareem below to learn more:



Holy cow! This is nuts...

As we continue to pore through all of the comments on our blog
that came in over the last few days, it's come to our attention that
there is a very specific demographic of people who need coaching.
People between the ages of 25-55 years old, suffering from
constantly doing intense workouts that never seem to 'show up'
when they look in the mirror -- especially people who are
repeatedly gaining and losing weight -- since they don't have
enough muscle to burn calories for them. You're inspired,
you're motivated, and you're ready.

But will you succeed this time? Will you really?

Honestly, it hasn't been your fault up to this point -- there is
entirely too much information on the internet that is meant to
convince you of a new trend, the fastest way to build muscle, or
the coolest diet or supplement that's ever existed. The fact of
the matter is that there are 2 factors that stand above all the
rest, and no one is focused here:

1. Customization

By redesigning any exercise and diet program, specifically for
your body, you are adjusting the most important component.
You are 'tweaking' just the right components to create a
massive difference. Like most things in life, exerting 90% effort
is enough to get you about half way. Once we acknowledge
the individual differences in your body, medical history, and
personality, we shrink the margin for error and take you from
90 to 100%.

Customization of your entire muscle building and
fitness journey is what ensures success.

Then, there's guidance. Inevitably, quitting comes from frustration,
either due to a lack of results, boredom, or a heavy schedule.
You'll have questions, because 'real life happens,' and you'll
need someone who can help you adjust your workouts and
diet based upon your real life.

Customization and guidance make all the difference -- have you
ever gotten results and plateaued?


Your workout wasn't tailored to your specific need, or your body
saw the food you ate as 'fat' instead of 'muscle.'


Something changed, and the plan that was working so well no
longer 'fit' into your lifestyle. You had to give in, because there
were higher priorities that made you lose your motivation for
better health -- you remain disappointed.

Both of these situations have easy and approachable solutions,
but they require the 'right' kind of help and the right kind of
guidance. Listen, I say this humbly, but I have a rather
expansive network of health professionals whom I consider
close friends, and nearly every single one of them had a 'moment
of truth,' a point when they finally asked for help and advanced
their health dramatically.

In the case of the health professional, this usually requires tens
of thousands of dollars (if not much more) in degrees, classes,
certifications, etc. until they finally find someone who can
answer the most difficult questions about their bodies; you have
it much simpler.
I've seen the difference customization of
programming and proper guidance make first hand, I've talked
to all my friends about it and they feel the same way, and I've
decided to do something about it.

I've made it much more possible for you to succeed this time
around by bringing on Master Trainer Nick, who is personally
certified and credentialed by me. Nick's outstanding, and now
he can coach you *LIVE*
(as needed), so he can check your
form, have a conversation with you about your current workouts,
goals, etc.

This way, you truly ARE getting the attention you need this time.

Earlier, I mentioned that this wasn't your fault... up until now. I
mean this kindly, but you get it -- you know at this point that
what I'm saying makes sense. Here's the reality -- you have two
scenarios to choose from:

Scenario #1: You bail, for one reason or another. You seriously
considered joining the muscle coaching program, but you were
either skeptical, or you couldn't place high enough importance
on your health right now. It just wasn't possible for you to
make the decision to join. 30 days from now, you feel stuck,
and a bit down about the whole situation. You wonder if this
really would have made the difference, and it hurts a little bit,
but you go back to your same exact reality. Unfortunately for
you, nothing works.

Scenario #2: You apply, give coaching a shot if you're accepted
because you trust that we will only accept you if we can help.
30 days from now, you're sort of confused by all the progress
you've made and you consider quitting 5 months early... only
to laugh at yourself for thinking such a thing after years of
'not quite' getting there and being closer than ever in just 30
days. You're stoked, and the money no longer matters. Once
you figure this part out, it feels good to finally have rewarded
yourself after so many years of putting everyone else first.

We spend money when we need to and we invest in 'necessary
expenses,' like our cars, a roof over our heads, and gasoline.
Strangely, we forget that our best investment is ourselves --
when we prime ourselves for top performance, everything else
goes up.

Today, Nick, Tim and I are in a bit of a tough position -- we
know you've got what it takes and we have a feeling that you're
more ready than ever. But, we are limited in the total number
of coaching clients we can take, and based upon the hundreds
of blog comments, things are moving quickly in the direction
of closing down.

No pressure intended, because we'd love you to join us. You'll
be getting the attention of the best trainers I've ever trained,
along with me, while you enjoy our best muscle building
workouts of all time:

Join the Dr. Kareem Coaching Program with Master
Trainers Nick & Tim for 3 on 1 Coaching --- 24 Week
Step-by-Step Body

A bit more about how we plan to run this, and why I'd advise
you to make a decision, asap. I'd be amiss not to mention this...
Tim and I have completely redesigned everything. This is the
simplest and easiest to follow exercise, nutrition, and
supplementation program we could possibly put together. It's
a step-by-step, fully customizable plan to ensure you success.
And, we've "trimmed the fat," so to speak from standard
in-person training.

By spending all of our time designing you the 'optimal' program
ahead of time, we can focus solely on you, as our client the
rest of the time we coach you. That's why we're going to meet
and lay out an entire 16 week program for you upfront. We'll
have every step of the way planned, from the start, and then
we'll adapt as we learn more about you and watch you
perform. When you impress us, we'll adjust and hook you
up; when something is too hard, we'll find the right level for

Your body is going to recognize this constant shift in demand
and automatically lean itself out. It's the natural response to
a constantly changing environment: adaptation.

Body adaption is our promise, and we'll stand by it. With over
225,000 people receiving this message, hundreds of blog
contest entries, and a bunch of applications we're already
sifting through, we know this will sell out and there will be a
wait list. We want you in, if this is right for you.

Apply here --- You know if this is right for you, and you
know what you have to do.

When I first started the Master Physical Therapy & Master
Trainer certification, I had a vision, and that was to unite the
fields of Physical Therapy and Personal Training -- to create a
world where we communicate with one another, and we unite
to help you. Since then, I've stepped into the training industry
to lead this cause first-hand and have shown you countless
ways of improving your health and getting faster results, all
from both the perspective of a Physical Therapist and
Kinesiologist. Today, I triple those efforts, by joining forces
with Master Trainer Tim Brown -- who graduated 2 years in
front of me, from the very same program -- and Master
Trainer Nick Nilsson, who has been recognized as one of the
world's top muscle coaches for years before he went through
his master cert.

We want you to apply, and we want to ensure you win this
time --- You've got this, you know you do.

To an absolutely unreasonable amount of success with your fat
loss and fitness goals -- persevere.



Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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