Subject: More info on neuro-fat-loss from yesterday...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Yep, it is an interesting concept and here's the idea behind
it...basically it's about using specific training techniques and
exercises to learn to communicate better with your nervous
system. This, in turn, creates better muscle contractions and
helps your muscles contract more easily, which leads to more
efficient training, be it fat loss OR muscle and

To be honest, I've not done a whole lot with nervous system
activation (yet!), but it's absolutely an up-and-coming focus in
the fitness industry.

This nervous system concept does have merit, from what I HAVE
read about it, especially for beginners who aren't as much in
tune with their nervous system when it comes to training.

So to give you more info, the author of this program, Dr. K, has
passed along a link to 3 exercise clips you can try out - no need
to sign up for anything. It is interesting stuff.

1. Squat with medicine ball pick-up triple press (you could
potentially use a dumbell or weight plate with it as well) -
takes a little practice but it's a good one.

2. On-End Dumbell Planks - great way to increase the instability
of the plank exercise and target the deep stabilizer muscles of
the abs.

3. Plate Push-ups - this technique definitely one I'm going to
be playing around with - I haven't done anything with weight
plates like this before and I think it's a great idea.




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