Subject: Metabolic "non-impact" fat-burning training for “non-athletes”

I do a lot of truly INSANE argument from me there.

Yet as fun as I think this stuff is, I also realize that not everybody wants to or even SHOULD do a lot of the stuff that I do!

If you want to get lean fast but DON’T want to do workouts that push you to the limit every day...or utilize "high impact" type training like P90X, Insanity or CrossFit...

... there IS another way.

My friend Dan is a martial artist and fitness instructor, and he’s seen first-hand the downsides of "Crossfit"-style training that utilizes movements that most people simply aren't ready for and honestly, don't really even NEED to get the results they want.

Knee injuries, back injuries, shoulder injuries, you name it...

Banging up your joints does NOT help with burning fat / sculpting your body...its targeting the right muscles that gets results.

Over the last 2 months Dan’s put together a series of Metabolic Training-style BODYWEIGHT workouts that are 100% No-Impact and virtually NO injury risk.

They’re only 9 minutes long, and target different / unique body areas depending on what you want (more definition, overall weight loss, ripped arms, etc…).

“Metabolic Explosion” - Ripped Results / NO Injuries >>

These exercises were designed for people over 35 who aren’t what you’d call "super athletes" but still want fast results.

The physical training approach is so simple because Dan based it off of a 150-year-old
Japanese fitness protocol that involves NO equipment, weights, jumping around, or even previous training experience.

This is excellent stuff, especially if you're just starting out or are looking for a good "low-impact" at-home workout program to help you get and stay lean in minimal time.

“Metabolic Explosion” - Ripped Results / NO Injuries >>

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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