Subject: Men over 40..."Do not go gentle into that good night..."

"Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

If you're a man over 40 and, like me, you're NOT going to "go gentle into that good night." this email is for YOU...

I know I'm not going to grow old gracefully and weakly :)

That's exactly why I jumped at the chance to be a presenter in the free Ageless Warrior Summit that I talked about the other day.

This stuff is right up my alley because I'm LIVING it every day.

Personally, I just turned 50 last year and a few weeks later hit a lifetime PR on the trap bar deadlift of 605 lbs, so I KNOW you don't have to accept declining capabilities as you get older.

Your body changes as you get older, sure, but it's capable of a lot more than you might think, especially when you have the practical knowledge on how to do it.

Besides myself, there are a TON of amazing coaches, trainers and athletes sharing their wisdom and knowledge on...

  • how to train for muscle and strength
  • how to eat for body composition and performance
  • managing hormones
  • optimizing metabolism
  • improving physical strength
  • and maximizing cardiovascular health.

This event is specifically designed to provide meaningful and actionable information for men entering their prime years.

I know a lot of these coaches personally...they know their stuff.

And best of all, it's completely free to attend.

It starts next here to grab your ticket now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle



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