Subject: Me vs The Muscle tip smackdown tonight!

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So I talked to Jeff Anderson (The Muscle Nerd) last night about
the interview I was going to do with him tonight (mentioned it
yesterday in my email yesterday). Well, he suggested we go "toe
to toe" with training tips in it. And I, of course, immediately
agreed to that!

He's going to fire out his best tips for each bodypart...I'm
going to fire back with mine...back, chest, legs, arms,
shoulders, abs. Totally no charge - you can listen via phone or

Should be a lot of fun! He's pulling out the big guns with stuff
from his new Muscle Specialization program...and I think I might
have a unique training tip or two I could scratch up for the

The bell rings at 7 PM Central time tonight, so you can listen
to me school the "Muscle Loser" ;)

Here's the link to listen:

And here's a link to his new Muscle Specialization program again:

I just went through more in-depth on the DVD and "Training
Resource" CD included with the package to research up on what he
might be coming up with for tonight...I have to say, I'm

He's really done a phenomenal job with this package. Not only
does he cover the full Muscle Specialization program in detail,
he's actually got Vince DelMonte (another name you might
recognize) doing all the training from it, so you can actually
SEE the techniques in action.

It's quality stuff and the Training Resource CD has a TON of
exercise instruction and information in it, covering every

You're going to get not only the guts of the Muscle
Specialization program laid out on video, but you'll get also get
a printed book that covers everything step-by-step AND six audio
CD's jammed with even MORE training info.

Pretty much what I've been doing all afternoon is digging into
this stuff and I'm learning a lot myself!


P.S. If you can't jump in and listen in on the call live
tonight, I'll have a recording available tomorrow, so no worries
there. I'll send you a link.