Subject: Massive Arms - Got FIVE sample chapters for you...

Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got a quick one for you. As you may or may not
know (or care, I suppose! :), I work with
world-class strength coach Charles Staley, doing
all of his online operations.

Anyways, if you didn't grab it a few weeks back
when I first put a note out about it, you can grab
the first FIVE chapters of his book "The Ultimate
Guide to Massive Arms", no charge (and no need to
sign up for anything - I've got a direct link to
the book file for you here).

In these chapters, you'll learn...

- The classic things you will do to “shoot
yourself in the foot” in the gym and how to
avoid them

- The heart and soul of Escalating Density
Training (the basis of Coach Staley's arm-training
program). Why this program works and why you
should follow it if you want REALLY big arms

- The principles that create a successful
arm-training program and how to use them to ensure
EVERY workout you do builds more muscle and burns
more fat

- 7 powerful arm-building exercises you can take
to the gym and test out!

And plenty more! This book is packed with 59
pages of quality content. It's really good stuff
and I think you'll get a lot out of it.

Download it here right now and learn how to turn
those pipe-cleaners into GUNS...(right-click on
the link and choose "save target as")


Any questions, let me know!
