Subject: MassZymes... I buy this stuff myself and never go without it...

So TODAY is the last day you'll be able to get a spectacular deal on my favorite digestive enzyme product called MassZymes.

And I thought to myself, what better way to prove to you just how much I like this stuff than to show you a screenshot of my actual receipt from my last order that I put in yesterday (I like it when stuff is on sale, too ;).

Yep, I buy this stuff myself. I use this stuff every day and have found it makes a HUGE difference in my digestion.


Here's the receipt...

I'm not going to get into all the science and details about the product and how effective it is. You can read all about that here and they do a great job of explaining it on the site.

What I want to give you is an idea of the benefits I've experienced with it and how I use it so you know exactly why I'm recommending it so highly.

When I first taking MassZymes a few years ago, I was actually quite skeptical. After all, it's a digestive enzyme...I already have digestive enzymes in my body and my food digests just fine on it's own anyway, right?

After I hit 40 (I'm 44 now), I definitely noticed a significant downturn in my digestion capabilities. This happens to everybody...our enzyme levels start to fade around 40 and it means BIG changes in how your digestive system handles food.

I could still eat a lot of food in a meal (and I mean a LOT).

I was just having a harder time digesting it.

It was taking longer for food to digest (I felt stuff and bloated a lot of the time...the meals I used to have no problem with were giving me problems) and I actually noticed my strength and energy levels starting to dip (and I wasn't sure why).

Well, about that time, the guys who make MassZymes (they're actually friends of mine) approached me to see if I'd be interested in trying it out. I thought sure, why not. I'll see if the stuff is any good. I read through their info and it SOUNDED like good stuff.


My eyes were about to be opened...big time.

They sent me a couple of sample bottles.

I started off taking about about double the normal dose (I took 6 capsules instead of 3).

With digestive enzymes, you can't overdose on them (especially with these ones). Whatever isn't used for digesting food will actually go into your body and digest scar tissue (if you have a nagging injury, this stuff can actually "eat" the stuff that doesn't belong and help heal old injuries).

I noticed a difference with MassZymes from the very FIRST time I tried them.

I was literally shocked.


It's rare to find a supplement that can make that much of a difference so fast.

My digestion was SO much better just after that one meal. No feeling of being "packed" in the guts... no terrible gas.

I kept up with the regimen, taking a double dose of MassZymes before every meal for several months...and the longer I took it, the better I felt.

I hestitate to say I've become "addicted" to taking the stuff, but I definitely take it and rely on it every single day. I even bring a small pill container to restaurants and pop a few before eating out.

I find they make a big difference.

I can maintain and grow muscle mass MUCH easier than even just a few years ago simply because my body can make full use of the nutrients I'm eating. My recovery from brutal training is better and my immune system shreds anything that tries to get me.

This stuff really allows me to train at a very high level, recover from it and improve.

I actually did a little experiment last year and stopped taking MassZymes for 3 weeks when I was out of town for awhile to see what would happen to my digestion...make sure it wasn't a placebo effect.

MAN, was I ready to start taking them again.

I felt worse in just about every way. My digestion was fine for a few days, then started to regress again. Over the 3 weeks, I felt my energy and recovery start to tank.

I got back to taking and felt the same benefits as before.

Right now, I've actually backed off and take only 2 or 3 capsules with meals and that does the trick. It's like I've built up enough "reserve" capacity of enzymes in my system. If I eat a REALLY big meal, I'll take more.


So Here's What You Should Do Right Now...

Try this stuff.

I'm serious.

Get some and try it...even if it's just one bottle. It's not cheap, but it's worth it. YOU are worth it.

I'm telling you this because I REALLY believe this stuff can help you. It's helped ME a lot.

If you're over 40, digestive enzymes are a MUST-HAVE class of supplements, in my opinion...and this is the best one I've used, by far. It's worth every penny.

If you're under 40, it can help you, too. Your digestion will be better and you'll get more out of every bit of food you put in your mouth. You won't experience that "over 40" dip in digestive enzymes as you get older.

They have a FULL YEAR money-back satisfaction guarantee, so there is literally ZERO risk to you in trying this out...(well, I guess there is a risk you'll get hooked on the stuff like me, but it's a risk worth taking...).

And right now, they're also offering THIS book as a bonus when you buy MassZymes...


Don't wait on this...this deal expires TODAY. work hard in the gym. You try and eat high quality food and good nutrition every day.

Taking MassZymes can help you get more out of ALL of your efforts in the gym and in the kitchen. To me, it's just that simple.

I'll take MassZymes before I'll take creatine or even protein powder...that's how important I feel this stuff is to me.

Click here to read more about MassZymes and get yours today.

I don't often get this whipped up about supplements. This is one of those rare times where I think you'll really want to give this supplement a try.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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