Subject: "Mad Scientist Shred"...

...would have actually been a good name for the "Underground Fat Loss" book I've been talking about this past week.

And I want to tell you right now why I think you should pick up a copy of it tonight, before it gets pulled down at midnight (PST). And yes, this is a hard deadine...when it's done, it's DONE.


1. It's Science-Based Fat Loss Information

First off, it's right in line with my own philosophy of creatively applying science to training in order to maximize your results...and in this case, that means getting crazy ripped without losing muscle mass.

It's the kind of stuff that will take you beyond washboard abs and into "washboard lower back" territory.

This is not made-up stuff that you throw against the wall and hope it sticks. It's not quackery and it's not bro-science.

In this book, you'll learn things that have actual RESEARCH behind them, with the sole purpose of getting you shredded.


2. It Pushes the Envelope

I'll be honest with you...there are a lot of things in this book that I simply won't do...but still found really interesting and logical as concepts.

For example, I'm not going to chew nicotine gum in order to keep myself from getting hungry when eating extremely low calorie. I can manage hunger easily enough with it. However, it might be something you do feel comfortable with.

I also have no cravings for beer or wine (which is something Matt will teach you how to use strategically to get ripped). If you enjoy a drink every now and again, this one tip will be IDEAL for you.

Some of the methods and strategies in the Underground Fat Loss Manual might be things you'll never use...or they might be exactly what you need to finally get below 10% bodyfat...down to 8% or even down to 5%.


3. It's About Losing Fat FAST, Not Slow

In this, Matt and I totally agree. In my experience, if you really want to get ripped, you're much better off losing fat as fast as possible, rather than "slow and steady".

Slow and steady means you're just grinding down your metabolism for a longer period of time and prolonging the suffering.

When you "rip the band-aid off" while your metabolism is faster, you lose fat MUCH more effectively and you can see the results on an almost-daily basis.

An engine running at high RPM's is going to burn a lot more fuel than an engine idling...which is what happens when you drag out a normal fat-loss program.

It's the whole method behind my own "Metabolic Surge" hammer it rather than easing into it and it works MUCH better.


4. It's Not Expensive and the Value is Tremendous

The book is just 15 bucks. This is DIRT CHEAP for the sheer volume of innovative fat-loss information you're going to get in it.

The value is absolutely there, plus he's throwing in four bonuses along with it.

  • The 10-3-X Workout Program
  • The 60 Second Hormone Fix (That Makes You Burn Fat All Day Long)
  • Ageless Abs
  • 11 Fatty Foods That Make You Thin

Plus, I'm also throwing in my own bonus "Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training"...a book of 19 lactate-based workouts that ATTACK stubborn fat via Growth Hormone secretion.

(Just forward a copy of your email receipt to and my customer service person, Nichole, will send you a copy of this book ASAP.)


Bottom line, I don't do things like everybody may have noticed that by now.

And I tend to gravitate to other people (trainers and coaches included) who don't do things like everybody else, either.

In my experience, conventional training info will only get you so far.

I would rather spend my time and energy learning NEW things that can expand my knowledge of how the body works and how I can really push the envelope with training.

That's exactly what Matt has done with this book.


It's Ends TONIGHT for real...

Matt is going to be pulling the plug on the program at midnight tonight (PST).

You've got...

Turn images on to see the animation

He's also let me know that he's planning on editing the book and taking out some of the most controversial if you want to see it all, this will be your last chance to get it.

Grab your copy now before time runs out.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
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