Subject: Mad Scientist Muscle...gone FOREVER after today...

Today is your last chance EVER to pick up a copy of my Mad Scientist Muscle program.

After tonight, you won't be able to get a copy of this book at ANY price, musch less the dirt-cheap price I'm offering it for now...just 7 bucks.

Click here to go to the main website for Mad Scientist Muscle to read more about it and order through the links at the bottom.

Or get Mad Scientist Muscle, Metamorphosis and Two Block Mass TOGETHER for $27.

Click HERE to order all three books in one package for just $27.


What Can Mad Scientist Muscle Do For You?

Basically, this program will get you BIG and ridiculously so.

Here's a couple of pictures of me back in 1991, right before I really started weight training seriously. As you can see, I was VERY skinny...

In my first year of training, I discovered many of the training principles that you'll find in Mad Scientist Muscle. In that first year, I gained 75 lbs in just 8 months.

These training methods got me BIG and got me STRONG.

I eventually used the methods in this program to build myself up to a bodyweight of 230 lbs...which is incredible for a natural ectomorph bodytype.

And this is exactly what you'll find in Mad Scientist Muscle.


So why am I retiring the program?

Because I took the two primary training concepts in that program and extended them out into two other separate programs that take both concepts even further.

I've put both of these programs and Mad Scientist Muscle into a special, 3 book package that I will NEVER offer again.


1. Metamorphosis - Structural Training

This program is the missing link in your training.

If you've ever felt that you've worked your butt off and not got the muscle-growth results you think you should have gotten...'s not your's your physiology.

Metamorphosis will dramatically improve the underlying physiology of your body to better support muscle mass and strength.

It's the difference between you being a hardgainer and being an easy gainer. The easy gainer has the "prime" physiology to put on muscle more easily. The hardgainer does not.

In Mad Scientist Muscle, the Structural Training was just two weeks out of each 2 month phase. In Metamorphosis, it's a full 12 weeks, targeted to maxmizing 4 different aspects of your physiology.

  • blood vessel density
  • connective tissue strength
  • muscle fiber number (hyperplasia)
  • nervous system activation

This extended program gives your body more time to adapt and change. It's brutal but it will make every single hypertrophy program you do from then on approximately 20-30% more effective.


2. Two Block Mass - Accumulation and Intensification

This program gives you a SYSTEMIC muscle-building effect.

Most programs are essentially a collection of single workouts. Two Block Mass pushes your entire body forward like a tsunami of muscle-building momentum.

Each workout builds on what you did in the previous workout...increasing training volume and decrease rest periods until you get to the point where your body is fighting as hard as it can to keep up.

Then, when your body is operating at peak recovery capacity, we dramatically reduce the training volume while simultaneously increasing rest periods and increase work intensity.

It's like over-revving an engine.

And this moves your WHOLE body forwad as a unit rather than a collection of bodyparts.

This approach is much more powerful than any program that doesn't treat the body as a system.


Here's the deal...

Click here to go to the main website for Mad Scientist Muscle to read more about it and order through the links at the bottom..get your copy for $7.

Or get Mad Scientist Muscle, Metamorphosis and Two Block Mass TOGETHER for $27.

Click HERE to order all three books in one package for just $27.

Remember, both of these offers are GONE FOREVER tonight at midnight PST.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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