Subject: Mad Scientist Muscle exercise update...100 rep leg training

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Mad Scientist Muscle

First off, thanks for using the Mad Scientist Muscle program!

I'm doing it myself right now, too - I'm just finishing up Cycle
2 and I've gained about 22 lbs and stayed fairly lean, weighing
in at 213 lbs. Got two more cycles to go (including the
Frankenstein program, which I'm sure is going to be a ton of fun :).

I just wanted to hit you up with a nice exercise I found for
doing the 100 rep training for legs with (on the Structural
Training week). I call it One Arm Gripping Dumbell Squats and it
allows you to get a very full range of motion in the squat
without adding extra pressure onto your lower back.

I found with with a lot of leg exercises and 100 rep training,
it's often not the legs that fail first but the lower back or
other supporting muscles of the body.

You just need something to hold onto (I'm using a bar set in the
power rack) and a couple of dumbells...and the will to continue
when your body is telling you to stop :) Your grip on the bar
allows you to keep your body in better position and give yourself
a little help with your upper body as you need it.

You'll be switching hands on the bar every 10 reps or so. When
you hit 10 reps holding the dumbell in your left hand, set it on
the floor and come up with nothing in your hands, switch gripping
hands, then squat down and pick up the other dumbell in your
right hand. Then keep going (this no-weight for one rep also
gives your legs a little bit of a break).

I'm going to be posting this exercise in the video library soon
(along with a TON of other new demo videos) but I wanted to get
this over to you right away, since I think it'll be a very
helpful exercise for you.

Here's the link:


It's a big video, so it might take a few seconds before it starts
up (also, this link is compatible with all mobile devices, too,
so you can watch it on your phone, if you want).

And if and when you try it, let me know how you like it. Just
keep in mind that email filters sometimes stop mail that has a
lot of swearing in it... ;) Trust me on that.


P.S. If you've got results you'd like to share with me on how
you've done with the Mad Scientist Muscle program, I'd love to
hear them! You can send them to me at

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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