Subject: Mad Scientist Muscle T-Shirt for your favorites now!

Time to "exercise" your democratic right to vote ;).

I've just finished putting together the online poll for slogans for
my new line of Mad Scientist Muscle T-shirts and it's time for you
to vote for your favorites!

==> Mad Scientist Muscle T-Shirt for your favorites now!

I received literally a TON of submissions and I want give a big
thanks to everyone who submitted ideas. I didn't have room to
put all of them in the poll, so I picked out what I thought were
the best ones.

And just fyi, you can select as many as you like - you're not limited
to just one. In fact, I highly encourage you to vote multiple times!

==> Click here to vote now.

I'll keep this running for a few days then we'll see who the winner
is...they'll be getting a free LIFETIME membership to my site
Powerful Training Secrets.

If you submitted something and it's in the list, make sure and tell
all your friends to go vote for yours!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. If you know anybody else who might benefit from this
information, feel free to forward this email to them!

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