Subject: MONSTER forearm pump with this new exercise...

This one is downright NASTY...literally the single best forearm exercise I've ever done.

The pump I get in my forearms every single time I do this one is absolutely ridiculous. I've actually been leaving the bar set up and loaded so that I can do it multiple times a day in my home gym.

Do this one last in your workout (trust me). It's going to ruin your grip strength for anything else you do after. It looks a bit insane but flat-out WORKS.

The setup is very simple but does require a Safety Squat Bar to perform...I'll try and come up with a way to mimic it with more "general" equipment, but for now, if you do have a bar like this, you'll want to try this one.

Set the rails in the rack to a height where you can grab the end of the bar at just about arms length, when your arms are hanging straight down. Height isn't critical, so no worries it it's not exact.

You can start with just the empty bar or add a plate to the other end...or both ends.

In terms of orientation, if I were doing squats with this bar, I would be facing the wall. For this one, you want to face the other way from that. This is important for getting the leverage right...if you get it backwards, you'll know pretty quick as it won't feel right.

Grab the end of the bar (yep, it's a "fat" end, which makes it even better for grip training) and rapidly perform wrist flexions and extensions, cranking back and forth between the two positions.

Here's what it looks like in still pictures. You DEFINITELY need to see it on video to appreciate how this one should be done. It should be FAST.

Keep going, alternating between these two positions until you literally can't move your forearms anymore.

Then rest 20-30 seconds to get a little blood moving, then do it again. Repeat for 3-5 rounds.

By the time you're done, your forearms will be so pumped up that you won't even be able to move your hands..and your forearms will stay pumped like this for 5-10 minutes.

It's an awesome feeling but not beneficial to manual dexterity so forget texting somebody on your phone for awhile.

You can increase the resistance on this exercise by adding more weight to the bar...very simple.

One other trick I like to use is not only actively flexing and extending the wrists to keep the bar moving but also aggressively changing direction at the peak point of each flexion and extension.

In other words, don't just LET gravity and momentum change the direction of the bar...when the wrists hit peak flexion, actively REVERSE the direction AGAINST the momentum of the bar.

This introduces a "stretch reflex" type of muscle activation in the forearms and ramps up the intensity even more.

I've got the video of this one in action posted on my Instagram feed here (no need to have an account to watch the video).

If you've got a Safety Squat Bar you try this with, try it and let me know how you like it. It's just nasty and it'll work like nothing you've ever felt before.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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