Subject: MASSIVE bicep "secret" superset that works every time...

If you want GREAT biceps...and I mean biceps that stretch out your T-shirt, this superset is going to become one of your best friends..

It's incredibly effective for targeting the biceps with extreme tension and stretch in a combination movement that will get your arms twitching (in a good way).

This technique is what I call an "in-set" superset, where instead of doing all your reps of one exercise all the way through, then going to the next one, you will instead alternate reps of two different exercises that share a common position (this is the easiest way to go).

By alternating reps of two different exercises (which changes the angle of tension on the muscle fibers), you target more overall fibers in the target muscle in one set, leading to greater overall tension and muscle growth.

It's an incredibly powerful technique and one of my favorites!


This variation of the technique is going to throw in an additional challenge...

You're going to be alternating a stretch-focused exercise in with the other exercise. In this case, you'll be using an incline dumbbell curl alternated with a seated dumbbell curl (with a change in body position).

The incline dumbbell curl exercise puts a great stretch on the biceps. We're also going to adjust the movement (body position and tempo) to focus on that stretch position, maximizing muscle fiber recruitment when you go back to the seated dumbbell curls.

First, set up an incline bench and grab a couple of light to moderate weight dumbbells.

You DO NOT want to go heavy on this one...going too heavy will ensure you don't get very many reps, which will decrease the time under tension in the exercise.

We want moderate weight and TOTAL control, to maximize the combined effects of the exercises.

Sit about 1/3 to 1/2 the way up on the inclined face of the bench and set your feet on the seat.

In-Set Stretch Superset With Dumbell Curls For Bigger Biceps

The reason for this will be clear when you switch to the incline curl.

(Side note: you CAN do this superset sitting on the seat of the bench like normal as well, though you won't get as much of a stretch)

Perform TWO reps of the seated dumbbell curl exercise, keeping your palms forward all the way up and down.

DO NOT rotate your hands during the exercise - this immediately takes tension off the biceps and we want to make sure to keep it on.

In-Set Stretch Superset With Dumbell Curls For Bigger Biceps

As you come down to the bottom of that second rep, lean back and curl your upper back over the top end of the incline bench.

In-Set Stretch Superset With Dumbell Curls For Bigger Biceps

Lie back until you are as far back as you can be.

This position opens up your rib cage while the dumbbells pull your shoulders back and down, dramatically increasing the stretch on the biceps. If you've never tried incline dumbbell curls with this setup, you're going to be in for a shock with how much better it works!

In-Set Stretch Superset With Dumbell Curls For Bigger Biceps

HOLD that stretch position for at least 3 to 5 seconds, letting the weight pull your biceps into that stretch position.

Now curl the dumbells up, again keeping your palms forward.

In-Set Stretch Superset With Dumbell Curls For Bigger Biceps

Lower them back down into the stretch position then sit up and back into the seated dumbbell curl position.

In-Set Stretch Superset With Dumbell Curls For Bigger Biceps

In-Set Stretch Superset With Dumbell Curls For Bigger Biceps

Repeat the sequence, doing two reps of seated dumbbell curls alternated with one BIG stretch rep of the incline dumbbell curl.

Aim for at least 3 to 5 reps on the incline curl.

Remember, perform these with STRICT form and tight control. There should be NO momentum here at all. If you have to resort to momentum, lighten the weight or it'll defeat the purpose of the technique.

One thing I will tell you up front...this technique is NOT comfortable. In fact, it's extremely UN-comfortable.

But it flat-out WORKS.

When you're done, you will have a MASSIVE pump as blood rushes into the bicep muscles.

This exercise combination is one of the most effective bicep-builders you can do.

I've got the video for this one posted on my YouTube Channel here.


Be sure to click the subscribe button to get updated when I post new videos!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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