Subject: Lower back need strengthening? Try this new barbell exercise...

You can call this one a Barbell Hack Deadlift...I found this to be a great way to work the spinal erectors.

You can watch the video of this one in action here.

You're standing in front of the bar rather than behind it. This changes the loading pattern of the exercise.

Bring the bar up until it hits the back of your legs, then stop, working just the bottom part of the range of motion, focusing on spinal extension without the hip extension you'd also get with the full deadlift.

Make sure you keep a good lower back position and your core solidly braced.

I've got 315 on the bar, so not a super heavy weight, but I really like the focused workload.

To turn it into a Barbell Hack Squat, you'd stand up with it.

For me, that can work with light weights but my structure doesn't lend itself to doing that exercise well (short arms). I find that when I try to clear the back of my legs, I have to round the lower back to continue all the way up.

Again, if you'd like to see the video, I've got it posted here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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