Subject: Lose your Love Handles WITHOUT losing any fat...

The Love Handles...they're the handles that nobody really loves.

If you want to minimize them, they can be a tricky area to work directly. If you do Side Bends for'll just make them WORSE.

Because when you work and build the obliques with that exercise, those fat pockets get pushed OUTWARDS, actually making you look FATTER and THICKER in the waist than you actually are.

So what you need is an exercise that works to TIGHTEN the obliques rather than build them out.

And that's where THIS exercise comes's an easier version of an exercise called the Human Flag.

I'll tell you right up front...the full Human Flag is a TOUGH exercise that very few people are strong enough to do (I can't do it). The goal is to hold a horizontal body position while gripping onto a vertical hand high and one hand low.

As you can imagine, it requires tremendous strength in the core and shoulders to perform.

So what if you'd like to reap some of the side abdominal wall-strengthening and tightening benefits of the exercise even if you're unable to hold that full-on position?

You do the"starter" version of the Human Flag that I'm going to show you...and to perform it, all you'll need is a flat bench.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
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