Subject: Loaded carry of 905 lbs (new PR for me)... worth watching :)

Yep, that's not a typo!

On Friday, I did a loaded carry with 905 lbs....4.5 times my bodyweight.

I've got a picture of it below, but you can see the whole thing on video.

I've got it posted in a few places...same video, but just pick whichever place you want to see it...and be sure to subscribe/follow on any of those channels you like as well!

See it on YouTube

See it on Facebook

See it on Instagram

See it on TikTok

That weird bar you see me using is called a Marrs Bar. I'll be posting a full review of this thing in the near's awesome.


How Can I Do This Without Breaking My Back?

If I had a dollar for every time I've been asked that ;)...

Seriously, though. Doing this type of carry without a trip to the hospital soon after is the result of years and decades of connective tissue training, heavy carrying and heavy core training.

I keep a close eye on recovery and I also supplement with structural nutrients, like collagen, vitamin C and (sometimes) egg shell calcium.

The exercise itself (carrying a heavy bar inside the rack) is fantastic for just about everybody... just use an appropriate load, of course.


Interested in Connective Tissue Training?

This is honestly one of my favorite things to do and it can be a total gamechanger for somebody looking to get stronger and build more muscle, epsecially if you feel like you've hit your genetic limit.

I can promise you that you have NOT hit your genetic limit.

You've maybe hit your physiological limt.

And yes, there IS a difference.

I'll tell you all about it here in this could be your key to adding anywhere from 5 to 20 lbs of untapped muscle mass to your body.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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