Subject: "Little" Exercise Lactic Acid Circuit for fat loss...(great pump, too!)

When it comes to fat-loss, Lactic Acid Training
is your friend.

And this means training for the purpose of producing as much
Lactic Acid in your body as possible.

When the body produces a lot of Lactic Acid, this signals the
body to secrete Growth Hormone in response. And Growth
Hormone is one of the most potent fat-burning hormones
you've got (in addition to helping spare muscle tissue).

That's why you want to do everything you can to increase GH production.

Now, I previously showed you how to do the "big" exercise
version of this circuit
...(the link goes to a YouTube video of it).

Here's How To Do The "Little" Exercise
Lactic Acid Circuit...

You're going to do three exercises in a row, targeting shoulders,
biceps and triceps. And you'll take NO rest in between sets of
each exercise until you've completed all three exercises.

We'll start with a variation of the shoulder press.

It's important to start with shoulders first. Because the triceps
are involved with shoulder pressing, if you start with triceps,
you'll fatigue them and compromise the reps you get for
shoulders. Biceps have to be set in between the two for this
reason as well, which means finishing with the triceps is
only logical.

Select a weight you can get at least 20+ reps with on each
exercise. You'll be aiming for this mark on the first round
through (out of 6 rounds total).

Perform your reps of the shoulder press...push until Lactic
Acid burn shuts you down.

Then immediately switch to a curl variation. I'm using the
same barbell and going straight to standing barbell curls.

When you've hit as many reps as you can of that, switch
to the tricep exercise variation.

For this, I'm using an In-Set Superset of dumbbell lying
tricep extensions and neutral-grip close grip dumbbell
presses. This combo is very simple and very effective...
just alternate reps of the two exercises. They share a
common start position so the switching between the two
is very easy to do and very natural. It will blow up your
triceps like crazy!

So do one rep of the extenion.

Then one rep of the press.

Then repeat, alternating reps back and forth of the two
exercises until you can't do any more reps. Because the
press is the stronger of the two exercises, if you get to the
point where you can't do any more extensions, try and rep
out on just the presses to really build up the Lactic Acid
levels in your body.

That's the first round.

Now rest 1 minute and do it again.

On the second round, your reps will drop by about half,
which is totally fine. We're looking for the overall
accumulation of Lactic Acid in the body and aren't really
concerned about reps at this point. You'll have incomplete
recovery basically throughout this entire workout, even as
the rest periods get longer.

When you've finished the second round, take 2 minutes rest.

Then 3 minutes rest...then 4 minutes, then 5 minutes, then
you do your final round.

And yes, when you start getting into 4 and 5 minutes rest, it
will feel like an eternity. What this does is allow for a bit
more recovery, which in turn allows you to get more reps
and generate more Lactic Acid.

It's important to take this rest, so don't skimp on it, even if
it feels way too long (and it likely will). When you go back to
the shoulder press, you'll feel just how incomplete your
recovery is.

This combination of exercises is going to FLOOD your
shoulders and upper arms with blood and with Lactic Acid.
Even if you're on a low-carb diet (which is very difficult to get
a pump with), you WILL get a massive pump out of it.

This circulation is excellent for oxygenating the tissues and
developing micro-circulation in the muscles (capillaries...the
tiny blood vessels where nutrient and oxygen exchange take

This "little" exercise combination is the perfect complement
to do the following day after you perform the "big" exercise
combination of deadlifts, bench press and squats
. And
even though you're using smaller exercises, it's still going to
be very challenging in it's own way!

I've posted the full video of this technique on my YouTube
channel as well. Definitely worth checking out to see it
in action (be sure to subscribe, if you haven't already!).

Just like the "Big 3" circuit, this type of Lactic Acid Training could
very easily be working in instead of the Lactic Acid Training
versions found in my Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss program.

You could straight up replace the current Lactic Acid Training in
the program with these two workouts.


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Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

Find me on Facebook Follow Me On Twitter My YouTube Channel


I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

Be sure to visit (and like!) my Facebook fan page and subscribe to my
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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.

Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass
Mad Scientist Muscle
Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt Now!
The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of
