Subject: Limited to the FIRST 250 people...(free bottle of a metabolism-boosting supplement)

And yep, I know when I see something like that, my scam radar immediately goes off, too. I hear you.

Here's the straight up rundown of the IS legit.

- My friends Joel & Josh, founders of BioTrust Nutrition, are giving away a free bottle of their metabolism-boosting supplement Metabo379™ to the first 250 of my readers who decide to grab one (limited to one bottle per household).

- They ARE tracking the numbers and inventory IS limited so if, after you read this, you think you might want to try it out, definitely jump on it because this is going out to a LOT of people and those bottles will get snapped up fast.

- There are ZERO strings attached...after you receive your free bottle, NOTHING more will ever be sent to you, or charged to you, in the future.  One and done unless you decide you like it and want to order more later.

- Yes, there is a small shipping charge ($4.95 for the US...a bit more for international orders) so it's not TOTALLY free. That's a pretty reasonable amount, though, I think.

- This supplement is fairly new so I actually haven't had a chance to test it out myself yet. So if you do try it, I want to hear about your results with it!

If you're ready to go grab your bottle now, click here.


What Is Metabo379 and How Does It Work?

Time to drop some science...

Pretty much if you don't care about WHY it works, you can skip this part and just go get your free bottle now :). I find this stuff fascinating, though, and wanted to give you all the info if you do, too.

Metabo379 is a formuation that combines two herbal extracts (Sphaeranthus indicus and Garcinia mangostana) and bioperine (to help increase absorption - this is for real and has been proven in other herbal formulations to increase absoption tremendously...curcumin is a good example of this).

Now, I'm normally not a fan of metabolism-boosting/fat-burning supplements. Most of them are stimulant-packed junk. However, THIS formula has no stimulant properties and has the exact amount of active ingredients shown to be effective in the research.

Here's where I'll get a little sciencey...this is actually pretty cool stuff, when you delve into the mechanism of action.

These herbs work in two ways...

First, they increase the levels of adiponectin circulating in your body. Adiponectin is a hormone that modulates several metabolic processes, including fatty acid oxidation and glucose regulation.

Adiponectin increases fat oxidation (i.e. fat burning), resulting in reduced circulating fatty acids and reduced intracellular triglyceride levels in the liver and muscle tissue (this means less fat circulating in your body).

Second, (and this is quoting from the study done on these two herbs) they can "reduce the expression and recruitment of of perilipin onto the membrane of lipid droplets."

What the heck does THAT mean?

Well, perilipin is the "armor" that coats the droplets of fat inside fat works AGAINST your body's natural fat-buring enzymes (lipases), blocking them from breaking down the fat for use.

When you can weaken that "fat-protective armor," you increase the availability of the stored fat so your body has an easier time accessing it and burning it.

This is a two-pronged attack on your fat...

You're increasing the burning of fat while at the same time giving your body easier access TO that "locked-up" fat.

You still have to BURN that freed-up fat by doing something,'s not going to burn it for you. This isn't one of those stupid "eat whatever you want and still lose weight" BS things.

So that's how the stuff works...



Along with your FREE bottle of Metabo379™, they're also going to ship you a FREE hard copy of their 53-page special fat-burning report "The Top 10 Metabolism-Boosting Foods," giving you info on all the best calorie-burning foods to eat and enjoy to further enhance your results.  This will come along with your FREE bottle just a few short days from now.

You'll also get FREE access to their online weight loss community where BioTrust's trained health & nutrition coaches will help you with your fat-loss journey.

You will get all THREE of these cool fat-burning gifts FREE… over a $100 value… and in return, all they ask is that you cover the small shipping cost (5 bucks).


What's the catch?

No catch.  It’s simple really... they want to earn your trust by helping you get results up front.

All the risk is on THEM to prove to you that their product risk to you at all and no obligation.

As I mentioned above, they've set aside 250 FREE, 30-count bottles of Metabo379™ and bonus gifts to give away to my readers on a first come, first-serve basis....and when this small allotment of inventory is gone, it's GONE.

>> Secure Your FREE Bottle Now! (extremely limited inventory)
**Limit of one free bottle per household

And definitely keep me posted on how it work for you!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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