Subject: Like squats? You'll LOVE this...

Seriously, if you love to squat, you're going to REALLY love this workout... or really hate it...(we'll see which...).

This workout takes the "up-and-down-the-rack" method that we've used for both regular squats and trap bar deadlifts and applies it to Anderson Squats (a.k.a. bottom-start squats or pin squats).

If you've never done these before, it's essentially a squat done off the safety rails, so that you're starting at the bottom of every rep, without any elastic tension to help you out of the hole.

It's a fantastic exercise for building power in the legs out of the hole and developing the quadricep muscles. You likely will also find that it targets the spinal erectors very strongly due to the position that you have to start in and the bar balance on the way up.

This workout is going to push your legs to the limit...and using this bottom-start method takes away the fear of getting stuck at the bottom, allowing you to push even HARDER than with regular squats (i.e. get more reps and likely work up to a higher top-end weight).

I've got 135 lbs on the bar to start.

You'll need to figure out where to set the rails so that you can get yourself under the bar and into position. Once you get the setup right, you're good to go.

Perform as many reps as you can with the light weight. Don't push to absolute failure...but get the lactic acid cranking for sure.

At the bottom of every rep, set the bar on the rails and release the loading on your thighs.

Once you've gotten your reps, get out from under the bar, add 5 lbs to each side (10 lbs total) then go again. The ONLY rest you get is the time it takes you to change weight. That's it. No slacking.

As in the other versions, keep adding 10 pounds and doing more sets until you get to a weight where it's a "current level of fatigue 1 rep max". You'll likely have several sets leading up to this where you only do one rep. But there will be a heavier set where you know that's your limit.

For me, it was 305 lbs, which was 40 lbs higher in weight than what I was able to do with regular squats.

THAT is when you stop and turn around and come back down using the same 10 pound changes in weight.

Come all the way back to your starting weight (for me, 135 lbs), then perform reps until you can't perform any more reps at all...i.e. failure. It will almost seem as though you can feel every muscle fiber in your quads pinging off during the last few reps.

Then say hello to the floor...

Because I was able to progress to a higher weight, this workout lasted about 6 minutes longer (32 minutes) than the regular squat one.

BOTH versions are valuable and challenging and you can't wrong with either one. Your quads will be sore for DAYS after doing this one and it will crank your metabolism up like crazy. Even though it's a relatively short workout, you get very little rest and the intensity and volume levels are BOTH high.

Check out the full video of the method is AWESOME.


Want More Training Like This?

This workout is in my recently updated Metabolic Monsters book...I just added another 20+ workouts to it just a few weeks ago.

If you want to get jacked...strong, muscular and ripped...this is a book you NEED to get and put to work.

These workouts will transform you.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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