Subject: Leg Extensions? Nope...try THIS exercise for a major quad burn instead...

Yes, this may be a strange name for an
exercise...but the first time you do this
exercise, you'll know EXACTLY why I
called it that...

The purpose of this exercise is to put a HARD
contraction on your quadriceps, similar to what you
get with a Leg Extension but without the torque that
Leg Extension puts on your knee joints.

And it flat-out WORKS.

Basically, you're going to be doing what looks like a
hack lunge with a barbell (like a lunge holding the
barbell behind your back instead of on your shoulders).
That's about the best way to describe it.

It's got some key points that take the exercise from
a mere lunge to something that will light a fire in the
quads that will leave you on the floor - pretty much
every set I did of this exercises ended with me falling

You can do this exercise freestanding or with the bar
set up in the rack. I prefer the rack because it allows
you to more easily set the bar down once you're

The freestanding version is absolutely effective
too, though, and I'll use just an empty bar to
demonstrate the exercise that way first.

Stand in front of the barbell, squat down and grab it
with an overhand grip.
Once you've gripped the bar,
stand up, bringing the bar up behind you so it's
resting on the backs of your thighs, just below the

Now step your left leg forward and bend your front knee.
Come down until your right knee is about 6 inches off
the ground...we don't want to come down fully into the
lunge for this exercise.

Now the fun begins...instead of standing upright, keep
your torso leaning forward. Instead of standing up fully
into the top position, just straighten your BACK leg,
hamstring as you do so.

Basically, even though your left leg is forward, it's the
RIGHT leg that actually is working directly against
the resistance of the barbell. The harder you push to
straighten your leg, the stronger the contraction you'll
get in the quads. And this exercise is all about the

You're supporting the entire weight of the barbell on
your thigh and quad contraction is what's keeping it
there. The left leg gets some work but not nearly as
much as the right leg...your back leg is the one to
really focus on.

Here's a back view of the bar placement during the exercise.

Even at the bottom of the lunge, when your right leg is
bent, you're actually putting a good STRETCH on the
right quads as well.

THAT is the reason I call this the Barbell Cursing Lunge...
the quads of your back leg get NO break through the
whole exercise from stretch to contraction and through
the ENTIRE set.

With a regular lunge or squat, when you come to the top,
your skeleton is supporting the weight, not your muscles.
It's tough to keep a contraction without shortening the
range of motion.

With this exercise, the more you try and lock out at the
top, the stronger the contraction you'll get in the quads
and the harder the exercise will work you.

Take my word for it, it's a serious experience in leg
and it'll really open your eyes. It blew my mind
when I came up with it.

And THAT is the reason I prefer to do this exercise in the
rack... because when you're done, you're DONE. Your
leg will give out from the burn and you'll have to set the
weight down. The shorter the distance the barbell has to
go, the better.

If you're doing it freestanding, you'll have to hold back a
little for safety reasons.

Having the bar a little higher up at the start also makes it
easier to begin the exercise and get the bar into position.

As I mentioned, this exercise is best done in a rack for
safety reasons...doing it in a rack will allow you to really push
your legs HARD and maximize the effect of the exercise.

First, set the safety rails in the rack to about a foot or so
off the ground (I find just below knee height to be about
right). Set a barbell on the rails then load up a moderate
weight. The first time you do it, start light to get the feel
for the exercise.

Get into the lunge position with the bar on the back of your
leg, then stand up into the top position.

Now bend your back leg knee, get the stretch, then
straighten the knee, focusing on the peak contraction
of the quads.

When you're completed your set (and you can really push
until the point where your legs get overwhelmed by lactic
acid), just set the bar down on the rails and sit on it.

At this point, you can go straight into working the other
side, or take a rest before hitting that other side.

You don't need a lot of weight for this one to work...I've
got just 135 lbs on the bar. It's a great "finishing"
exercise for the quads, especially as a peak contraction
position alternative exercise to leg extensions.

Take it to the limit and let the cursing begin!

I've also posted a full video of this exercise in action on my
YouTube channel here...

Be sure to subscribe to my channel, if you haven't already!

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Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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