Subject: Last chance to pick up my Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss program for CHEAP

Hey, just wanted to give you a quick heads-up to let you know that
my special "New Years" pricing of my Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat
Loss program (just $29.95)
is going to be going away TONIGHT
(I may let it run a little longer into the wee hours of the morning
if I fall asleep on the couch ;).

The price will be going back up to $69.95...

So if you haven't yet grabbed a copy of it, NOW is definitely the time
while it's 40 bucks cheaper.

Grab your copy here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

P.S. This is my "go to" program for fat loss...and yes, you can use
it to get RIDICULOUSLY ripped, if that's your goal. Check out the
"after" pics of my friend Tony here, after he went through the
Metabolic Surge program...

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