Subject: Last chance to increase your bench by 50 lbs in the next 10 weeks...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Got 3 quick things for you here...

1. Last Day of the Sale

Today is the last day Mike Westerdal is offering his excellent
Critical Bench 2.0 program on sale. If you're interested in a
bigger bench, you will LOVE this program.

He's included full workout charts for every max bench press level
from 100 lbs all the way up to 500 lbs and I have to say, the one
hour video on how to set up and actually perform the press is
worth the price just on it's own. This stuff is gold if you want
a bigger bench.

Aso, when I did the teleseminar with Mike the other night, he told me
the AVERAGE user of his program gains about 50 solid pounds on
their bench in 10 weeks, which is dang good.


2. Bench Press Teleseminar

If you missed the seminar the other night (TONS of great info),
I've got a recording of it still available here:


3. Report - The 7 Fastest Ways to Increase Your Bench

This is complimentary download provided by Mike. These are 7
"instant fix" type training cues and strategies that can boost
your bench immediately. Right-click and choose "save target as"
to grab it.



P.S. When the sale ends, I will also be pulling my two bonus
books "The Best Chest and The Best Arm Exercises You've Never
Heard Of," so if you want those, too, definitely jump on this!


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