Subject: Last chance to grab the Israeli "spec ops" workout....

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So I wrote you about this the other day...a killer bodyweight
"commando" training sample from Scott Sonnon.

This is excellent stuff...bodyweight exercises with some serious
functionality and explosiveness (if you've seen that James Bond
movie "Casino Royale" THAT is the kind of physique you can build
with this stuff and that kind athleticism).

You can still grab that workout but just until midnight tonight:


And check this out:

“Master Scott Sonnon, thank you for the honor of an amazing and
unforgettable seminar for all of the fighters in our unit.” –
Maor Bashan, Senior Instructor of Hand to Hand Combat, LOTAR
Israeli Counter-Terrorism School, Tel Aviv, Israel.

“Coach Sonnon is truly an original. As a pioneer in both the
application of the newest sports science and as a connection and
filter to the best techniques of the past, he has made an
immeasurable contribution to our program of instruction here at
the Army combatives school. By combining an intimate knowledge of
biomechanically efficient movement, the physiological
capabilities and weaknesses of the human body, and both fighting
and fitness, he is helping to revolutionize the modern combatives
world.” – Matt Larsen, NCOIC U.S. Army Combatives; Author: US
Army FM3-21.150

As you can see, Scott walks the walk. Really high-value stuff for sure.



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