Subject: Last chance is TODAY...(cardio that builds muscle)

The special sale on the Anabolic Running 2.0 program I've been talking about this week will be DONE in...

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In addition, my offer to also get a FREE copy of my Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training book will also be gone.

What is Anabolic Running?

Essentially, it's a method for using running to actually increase testosterone levels and help you build muscle.

Normal jogging-style distance running is one of the WORST things you can do for your testosterone levels.

I experienced that horrible drop in testosterone from jogging towards the end of my first year of training.

I was trying to lose fat and started jogging (this was after gaining 75 pounds of bodyweight in 8 months). It was horrible...I lost strength and muscle mass so fast, it was depressing. I didn't even lose that much fat, either.

When I changed my approach to a higher-intensity one (like the Anabolic Running approach), it made a HUGE difference in my results...much more effective for fat loss and much easier to hold onto mass and strength.

This approach can increase testosterone and GH levels...heck, one of the "nasal breathing" tricks in the book can actually increase nitric oxide levels in your blood, improving the pump you get from regular weight training (especially when it's done right after the Anabolic Running protocol).


Frequently Asked Questions

Can this be used with methods other than running?

Absolutely. It doesn't necessarily have to be done with running, if running is not enjoyable or not something you can physically do.

How long does it take to do?

The protocol is two 8-minute workouts a week....just 16 minutes total.

Does it fit in with other workouts?

Yep. You can do it at the start of a workout to "prime" your GH levels, as a standalone workout, or even after your regular weight workouts.

What if the weather is terrible?

Joe (the creator of the program) has also put together an indoor version of the program that you can use inside.

Isn't this High Intensity Interval Training?

Yep, it's a method of interval training for sure. There's a lot more to it than just simple 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off interval training, though. The protocols in the program will help you get a lot more out of it.

How much is it?

Not expensive...just 15 bucks...for now.

When does the sale end?

Tonight at midnight (Pacific time).

How do I get it?

Click here to go to the the page, or just scroll down to one of the purchase buttons.

How do I get my bonus copy of "Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training?"

To claim your copy of my Lactic Acid Training book, just purchase Anabolic Running 2.0 through this link (or any in this email) then forward your receipt email to and we'll get a download link sent right over to you right away.


That's all for now!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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