Subject: Last chance at half price on Lean Hybrid Muscle

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

I'll keep it short and I mentioned in the subject
line, today is the last day you can get that "Lean Hybrid Muscle"
program for half's going to go up double tonight (Nov
14th) at midnight.

So if you ARE interested, definitely jump on it today here.

And if you're curious but still not quite sure about this
program, I just posted a really good article from Elliott Hulse
(one of the co-authors of the program) entitled "5 Big Reasons
Everyone Should Train Like Athletes".

It's really good stuff, even if you don't get the book...some
great lessons on mindset and training for performance rather than
just "exercising."

It'll give you insight into what this program is all about. I've
also posted the link to the interview I did with Elliott on that
page and a link to the "Down and Up the Rack Farmers Walk" video
that I shot the other day (which is a GREAT way to finish up a
workout, btw).

And here's the link to the webpage for the book...

