Subject: Last chance TONIGHT...The Best Home Gym Exercises for half price...

The clock is running out fast...but you still have a little time...

Tonight, after midnight, the price on my newbook, "The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of" will be DOUBLING, as will the price on my Lifetime Best Exercises All-Access Pass.

You can still snap up your half-price copy here now, though.


What You Get...

This book contains 277 exercises that only use dumbbells, a barbell and a bands, no machines, no cables...just good, old-fashioned free weight.

It's got a full video library, with demos of every single exercise in the book, plus I'm only just a quick email away when you need help or advice with any of the movements.

Right now, I'm also throwing in a free copy of my Mad Scientist Lactic Acid Training book, which contains 19 awesome lactic acid workouts that you can drop these exercises right into (lactic acid training is great for burning stubborn fat while keeping muscle).

Grab your copy here.

I've loved training with free weights from the moment I picked up my first pair of plastic-encased 25 lb cement dumbbells when I was 16 years old. I used those things for months, doing endless sets of curls and presses.

When I first set foot in a real gym, I was completely hooked.


This Book is the End Result of 30 Years of Lifting Innovation

It's the best of the best basic free weight stuff that I've come up with to help you build muscle and strength while going beyond the basic exercises.

If you're training at home with just a set of basic weights right now, boredom and stagnation are a VERY real possiblity.

When this happens, your results suffer.

And when that happens, your motivation goes down the toilet.


Lifting weights should be FUN...and these exercises will make your training fun again, along with giving you the RESULTS to back it up.

And honestly, if you pick up a copy and feel it's not a good fit for you, just let me know and I'll give you back every penny, no questions asked.

Click here to get your copy of "The Best Home Gym Exercises You've Never Heard Of" now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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