Subject: Last chance TODAY to get Two Block Mass...

For just TEN BUCKS...

Grab it directly here for 10 bucks now. This book will be GONE in...

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Here's some more info on it, if you'd like to know more...

This book is based on a principle called "controlled overtraining."

Overtraining is NOT evil...just misunderstood...

If this idea is NEW to you, strap yourself're going to be learning one of THE single most important proven approaches to building muscle.

"Controlled overtraining" is essentially the strategic manipulation of training volume, rest periods and rep ranges to accelerate your body's adaptive muscle-building processes.

Overtraining is what happens to your body when it gets faced with a workload it's not accustomed to and can't fully adapt to it fast enough. It means "too much training."

Now here's the thing...


If you stay FAR AWAY from overtraining, you'll NEVER know the kind of muscle growth your body is TRULY capable of.

If you're actively trying NOT to overtrain, I can PROMISE you that you are cheating yourself out of POUNDS of muscle mass that you could be carrying around right now. It's time to switch your thinking and EMBRACE overtraining.

You have to TAKE CONTROL of overtraining and use it to your advantage if you want to get maximum results in the gym.

There are two distinct types of overtraining...chronic and acute.


Chronic overtraining is the "bad" overtraining.

It's long-term overload on your body that it's never able to fully recover from. This is the overtraining you want to avoid as it'll grind your body into the ground and basically kill your muscle growth potential.


Acute overtraining is the "good" overtraining.

This is short-term overload (also known as overreaching) that pushes your body beyond where it was before. THIS is the type of overtraining that we want to take advantage of and it's the type that's absolutely necessary if you want to build some serious muscle.

With "steady-state" training programs that don't take your body's physiological response to workload into account, you'll get either of two outcomes, neither of which will build substantial muscle mass on you in the long run.

In the graph below, you'll see two lines...the top graph line is "Too Much Volume/Intensity." The bottom graph line is "Not Enough Volume/Intensity." Both types of "steady-state" training programs spend some time in the optimal training zone and both will get you results...

...for a little while...

In the top line, the problem happens when the program DOESN'T PULL BACK
. You hit overtraining and your body stops growing because it can't keep up.

The usual response to that? Add even more volume and/or intensity to try and "shock" the muscles. This can result in chronic overtraining and cause you to hit a MAJOR plateau in your training that could take you MONTHS to recover from.

In the bottom line, the problem happens when your body adapts to the program and you DON'T INCREASE training workload to compensate...i.e. you keep doing what you're doing. This is chronic UNDER-training and it'll grind your results to a halt, too (though this is easier to recover from).

These are the two categories that most programs fall into.


Now here's my protocol for using "Controlled Overtraining" to practically FORCE muscle onto your body...

We're going to completely remove the BAD parts of those two styles of training programs, take the GOOD parts of those types of programs and combine them into ONE program that takes full advantage of your body's predictable physiological reactions to them. By doing so, we keep your body off-balance and force muscle growth.


Step 1 - Accumulation

Start by gradually increasing your workload, increasing your training volume (the number of sets you do for each bodypart) and decreasing rest periods between sets. You'll be doing more and more work in less and less time.

This is the "ramp up" period (also known in the sports training world as "Accumulation"), with the training volume building up and demanding more and more of your body than it's able to fully recover from over a fairly short period of time.

Your body reacts to this increase by speeding up and maximizing the efficiency of it's repair and recovery processes. This volume-based training phase is generally where you'll see the greatest results in terms of muscle growth.

Step 2 - Intensification

When you reach the point where your body can't keep up, that's when you hit "overtraining." This is normally considered a bad thing, but to us, it's a very GOOD's what we're actually TRYING to do.

That's our signal to ease up and dramatically REDUCE the training volume, doing fewer sets of fewer reps, with heavier weight and more rest between're doing less work in more time.

This is the "back off" part of things (also known in the sports training world as "Intensification") and it's where the REAL strength gains happen. It's where your entire recovery system, forced into metabolic overdrive, suddenly has only a FRACTION of the training stress to deal with.

The strength gains you'll see during this phase are almost MAGICAL and it works every time.


THAT is the effect we're looking for and THAT is how you're going to use overtraining to force your body to build muscle and strength.

It's deadly stuff and your skinny genes don't stand a chance.

Here's what it looks like graphical form...the white area in the in middle is the "optimal" zone for muscle growth. As you can see, you're spending a LOT of time there with this style of training. In fact, you're spending MOST of your time in that zone.


Think of a car going up a hill with the gas pedal down.

As you come to the top, you've got the pedal floored but you're not going very're overtraining the engine, to borrow the term.

Now you go over the top and start heading down the other side. If you keep that pedal floored, you're going to start going VERY fast! Your body/engine is no longer overtrained by the steep grade and it's still pushing just as hard. Your results ACCELERATE just like the car.

THAT is the power of this type of training.

You're going to systematically push your body's gas pedal to the point where you have it floored and aren't really going anywhere, then you're going to pull back on the difficulty and let it ROAR forward. The results you get from this type of overtraining and rebounding can be just HUGE.


Foundational Training

The training you'll be doing is what I like to call "foundational" training...there's nothing fancy about it. It's based on hard, SMART work and good eating. It builds a foundation of strength and muscle mass that you can build on for years to come.

You won't be using weird exercises that make people look at you funny or take up multiple stations in the gym.

You'll be using the heavy, basic movements that you already know...just put together in such a way that your body is FORCED to build muscle and literally has no choice.

This is not a "hack" or a "trick"'s a rock-solid training approach that builds muscle and strength like clockwork.

And you can get it right here and right now for just 10 bucks...until it disappears at midnight tonight.



To give you an idea, this is the kind of training that took me from this...

To this...

(yep, I started out as a skinny ectomorph endurance athlete...not anymore!)

Gains like this don't happen overnight, obviously, but the framework you'll learn in the Two Block Mass program is EXACTLY what I used to completely change my physique, completely drug-free.

Get your copy of Two Block Mass now for just 10 bucks before time expires.

And don't let the low price fool you...this book is 152 pages long and contains 8 complete training blocks. I'm letting this go for so cheap because I'm still in the early stages of getting the website written up and I wanted to give you a chance to grab it while I'm still getting my act together... ;).

But that ends tonight at midnight.


No Risk To You

I've got one last thing before I sign off...I'm taking all the risk off you and putting it on ME. If you pick up the book and decide it's not for you, just let me know and I'll give you a full refund, no questions asked.

The programs are 6 weeks long, which gives you time to do an entire training cycle before having to decide whether to keep it or not.

If the results aren't there, boom, full refund.

Grab Two Block Mass here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
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