Subject: Last chance TODAY and one of THE best fat-loss exercises you can do...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

So today is the last chance you'll be able to pick up "Final
Phase Fat Loss" for 52% of the regular price. This goes away at
midnight tonight, along with my "Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat
Loss" program, which I'm kicking in at no charge when you pick up
Final Phase through one of the links in this email... this one :)


I HIGHLY recommend you pick it up NOW, if you have any interest
in the program. Not only is it way cheaper right now, John has a
full 100% money-back guarantee on it...if you're not happy with
the results. Boom - get your money back. Just that simple.

And the fat-loss exercise I mentioned in the subject line of the
email really IS simply one of THE best fat-loss exercises you can
do. Truly.

It's called the Kettlebell Swing and if you're not familiar with
it, you're going to LOVE it and the results it gives you. If you
ARE familiar with it, you know exactly why I call it one of the
best fat-loss exercises you can do :).

It can be very easily incorporated into John's program and my
Metabolic Surge program (heck, you can work it into pretty much
ANY program). It's useful for fat loss and for athletic
performance, especially teaching hip drive and explosiveness.

Learn how to do it PROPERLY here (it's easy to do wrong but just
as easy to do right, once you know how :)...


And that magic link again for getting Metabolic Surge along with
John's program:



P.S. Once you pick it up, just forward your receipt to and we'll hook you up with a download link!

And remember, this is all going away TONIGHT, so take your time
but hurry...


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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