Subject: Killer peak contraction DB pec exercise...better than a pec deck...

For real, you'll get a better contraction with it than you will with a pec deck or cable crossover machine.

It's a very simple's called Lying Side Dumbbell Flyes.

You lie on your side on a bench, with your shoulders off the end. Then, with your arm locked, you raise a dumbbell up and in front of your body like a scoop.

This brings the dumbbell up and across the centerline of your chest with vertical tension...and since you're lying on your side, it's direct tension on the function that is EXACTLY what your pec muscle is made for.

The peak contraction you're going to get from this one is absolutely incredible.

It's the second exercise on this page...

You won't miss the pec deck at all.

Click here to check it out now (scroll down to the second demo video to see it in action)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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