Subject: Killer NEW way to do Lactic Acid Training for serious fat-loss...

This technique is all about keeping your muscle mass and strength while losing fat...and doing it with both extremely heavy and extremely light weights.

We're going to be using a method called "Lactic Acid Training," which is a nice way of saying we're going to burn your legs to cinders.

(Now, just FYI, the "proper" name for Lactic Acid is Lactate...but since everybody knows it by Lactic Acid, that's the name I'm going to use when talking about it.)

In terms of fat-loss, when your muscles produce large amounts of Lactic Acid, your body responds by secreting Growth Hormone in response. GH is very effective for targeting stubborn bodyfat while also preserving muscle mass while on a low-calorie, fat-loss diet.

First, you'll start with relatively high-rep partials for barbell squats. These will be done in approximately the top 1/4 of the range of motion, which allows you to use a LOT of weight.

Now normally, I recommend partial training for developing connective tissue strength and high-threshold nervous system activation, to get the body used to moving heavier loads. In this case, we're going to be focused just on the high amount of resistance that partial training allows you to use.

A lot of people hate on partial training...primarily because they don't understand what it's good for. They see videos of people doing it completely wrong and with dangerous form and assume it's bad. However, when done PROPERLY, partial training is extremely useful, extremely valuable and very safe.

I HIGHLY recommend you be at least somewhat familiar with partial-range training before using this particular method.


How To Do It:

For the first part of the set, we're going to be aiming for 20+ reps. To give you an idea of weight, I've got 6 plates on the bar (585 lbs total). I've also been doing partial training for more than 28 years, so keep that in mind when selecting your loads. I would recommend using something about 120% or so of your 1 RM, if you've not done much partial training.

Start your first rep squatting off the rails. I don't recommend walking out with supra-maximal loads like this. That's one of the things many people do wrong with partials. THAT is a good way to get injured. Always use a rack and start off the rails so you maintain a strong, consistent base of support for the load.

Power up to the top.

Come back down under control and either lightly touch the rails or stay just above the rails. Don't fully "unload" the bar onto the rails. We're looking for a continuous sequence of reps.

Do these reps under control, without bouncing.

Do as many reps as you can until Lactic Acid shuts you down (or your legs give out just in general).'ll notice in the pics above that I have a couple of light dumbbells set inside the rack. These are 30 lbs each.

Which brings us to the exercise you do IMMEDIATELY after the partial squats....One-Arm Gripping Dumbbell Squats. The bar is already set to the perfect height to do these so there should be no lag time in between.

To do these, hold onto the bar with one hand and hold a single dumbbell in the other. Then just stand up.

This exercise allows you to unload the spine and focus just on the quads for VERY high reps...I recommend at least 30-40 or more reps here. We're looking for very light weight and lots of reps.

I recommend switching sides every 5 reps or so (which is why I have two dumbbells). Do 5 reps with the dumbbell in your left hand, leave it on the ground on rep #6, then change hands at the top, squat down and grab the other dumbbell with your right hand.

Keep going like this for as many reps as you possibly can do. Lactic Acid will be burning your legs like crazy at the end of this combination.

Your grip on the bar allows you to use your upper body to push your legs even further by assisting as needed.

Perform 3-5 total of this heavy-light superset. I ended up doing 4 sets...5 wasn't going to happen. Take 3 minutes rest in between sets.

I'll tell you right up front...this technique will burn your legs right down the bone. You'll get a very deep burning in the legs and likely you'll get substantial soreness over the next few days.

It's a fantastic method for maintaining muscles mass while losing fat. It uses the largest muscles of the body to produce a TON of Lactic Acid, which kicks out a substantial GH response to help with fat-loss and maintenance of muscle mass.

You can see the full video of this technique in action's very useful for seeing how proper partial training should be done.


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Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"


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