Subject: Keto...good diet for women?

If you've heard of the Ketogenic Diet and are wondering if it's a good one for you, you'll definitely want to read this email.

If you're not familiar with the "Keto Diet," it's basically a variation of low-carb eating in which you dramatically reduce your intake of carb-containing foods (and protein, to some degree) in order to enter a state called ketosis.

Simply put, ketosis is "switching" to burning what are called ketones for energy, instead of carbohydrates. Ketones are made in the liver as a by-product of your liver producing glucose from nutrients other than carbohydrates.

This is a process called gluconeogenesis (gluco=sugar, neo=new, genesis=creation).


Ketones are a natural thing...your body is producing and utilizing them right now, albeit at a very low rate.

During the conditions set up by the Keto Diet, that production ramps up dramatically due to necessity.

This doesn't necessarily (or magically) CAUSE weight's more a by-product of the state your body is put in by dietary conditions (reduced calorie/low-carb).

I won't get into the whole detailed metabolic pathways here, but bottom line, ketosis is your "emergency energy" system that kicks in when you're in a low-glucose state, such as when you're fasting (for 24 hours or more), low-carb eating, doing prolonged exercise (and you've burned off all your glycogen) or starving.

Think of it as your "emergency power generator" that always runs in the background but really kicks in fully when the regular power goes out.


Ketosis is your body trying to keep the lights on when there isn't enough external power coming in.

You can easily tell somebody is on a Keto (or low-carb) diet by their may smell fruity or like nail polish remover (yep, acetone is one of the by-products of ketosis).

The Ketogenic Diet sounds great on paper, and it CAN be used very effectively by some individuals, however it absolutely DOES have issues that you need to know about.

If you're female and you've ever had any interest in learning about or trying a Keto diet, this is a video you're going to want to watch.

==>  What Ketogenic Diets Do To Women


Because to be quite honest, those issues I mentioned can have a big impact on your health, well-being, weight loss results, and metabolism.

You're going to discover the good, the bad, and the potentially ugly truth about what Keto diets can really do to your metabolism if you're a woman.

==>  What Ketogenic Diets Do To Women

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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