Subject: KILLER tricep exercise...the Modified Muscle-Up...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Hey, I've got another new sample from my Powerful Training Secrets site for you!

Modified Muscle-Up for Triceps
Posted November 4th, 2010

The Muscle-Up is a GREAT exercise but extremely tough to perform. It requires tremendous upper body strength. This modified version of the exercise takes some of the bodyweight resistance off and changes up the movement to primarily target the triceps. VERY effective for bodyweight tricep training as it becomes a bodyweight pushdown type of movement.


Check it out here:


Facebook Comments

Be sure to post your comments, ideas and experiences on the page...I've got a comments section at the bottom that I just hooked into Facebook today. You can "like" the exercise and even post your comments so they show up on the page and get posted on your Facebook profile.

I always enjoy the feedback I get from you!


P.S. Those two reports I told you about a few days ago are still available, just fyi:

Report #1. "Secret" Six-Pack Abs Exercise Sequence

Report #2. What to NEVER Eat After Your Worokout

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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