Subject: KILLER new lower ab exercise...(looks a bit nuts :)

The plank is an excellent basic abdominal
strength and stability exercises that everybody
should start with, no matter level of trainer
they are.

However, as you get stronger and more advanced, the
basic plank is no longer tough enough to really challenge
your abdominals.

That's where THIS version of the plank comes into play.

It's a more advanced version of my exercise the Lower Ab
Rack Plank
(pictured below)

In this more advanced version, the difference is simple...
instead of setting your forearms on the other safety rail of
the rack, you will instead RAISE that other rail higher (to
about face level when you're standing) and HANG from it.

Your toes will be hooked over the bottom rail...(don't mind
the dirty of the advantages of training in my
basement is that I don't have to wear shoes or apparently
clean the floors ;).

Your elbows will be somewhat bent, with an overhand grip
on the rail. You should maintain tension in the lats and
some flexion in the shoulders while you're hanging, to
protect the shoulder other words, you don't want
your arms straight and muscles relaxed in the upper body.

This puts a nice stretch on the entire frontal abdominal wall,
while still focusing tension onto the lower abs...specifically
the "V" shape (a.k.a. the inguinal area). It's going to develop
stability and strength in the deep muscles of the core as well.

This exercise is more advanced than the original Rack Plank
version and you should have strong abs before attempting
this one.

When you're holding the position, be sure to keep a small
flexion in the hips, in order to keep tension off the lower back.

Hold for as long as you can, until you start to lose the position,
then set your feet down and finish.

I normally perform this exercise for just one set, holding for
as long as I can, then done. You can certainly perform a set
or two more, if you feel you need it, but I wouldn't do more
than 3 sets total.

Overall, this is an excellent and challenging new version of
the plank that will help you target the lower abs and inguinal
(V) area very effectively!

Check out the video on my YouTube channel here (be sure
to subscribe while you're there!):

And if you'd like more abdominal exercises like these...
challenging and sometimes a bit insane...definitely check
out my book "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never
Heard Of

It's PACKED with cool exercises just like these to take
your abs to the next level of standout development!


One last thing really of my favorite supplement
companies, Biotrust, has just let me know they've got a
20% off coupon code that you can use for anything on
their site.

They're celebrating the birthday of Josh (one of the co-
founders) and figured what better way than with a sale.

Use the coupon code AWESOME20...not sure how long
they'll leave it up so if you're interested, go jump on this NOW.

Click here to go the Biotrust site now and stock up for 20% off everything!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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