Subject: KILLER bodyweight arm-building workout...

I did this workout 4 days ago and my arms are still sore, which is phenomenal for a bodyweight workout.

Before I get to the workout, though, I've got a quick notice for you.

My friend, Jayson Hunter, who runs the JayLabPro supplement company just let me know that he's running a giveaway contest for a new immune-system boosting supplement he's created called Immuno Defense 4X.

He's got a very limited supply of it that's going to be released soon, and he's going to be giving away a FREE 3-month supply of the formula for three lucky winners.

In order to be eligible to win, you just enter your name and email here.

There is no purchase required to enter (and no obligation to buy later on, either) and winners will be notified before the product actually goes on sale.

The contest part is only open to US residents, though, just so you know up front, but anybody can join the list to be notified when the product is available for purchase.

I will tell you that I haven't personally tried the formula myself (yet). I've known Jayson personally for more than 15 years, though, and I've been a guinea pig for a few of his other formulas and they worked GREAT for me.

I expect this will be no different...and with immune system health being so important right now, this is absolutely a product worth grabbing when it's ready.

Click here to enter the contest and be notified when Immuno Defense 4X is ready!


Nightmare Fuel for Arms - Bodyweight Stretch-Focused TVT

If you're training with limited equipment, it can be tough to get a decent arm workout, much less an awesome arm workout.

What I've got for you here is an awesome arm workout.

All you need for this one is a bar that you can set to about waist height (either in a power rack or a Smith machine...or a solid railing will also work fine for this) and a bench or chair. The resistance is going to be your own bodyweight.

You're going to be doing the workout using my Time-Volume Training protocol, alternating between two different bodyweight exercise for your arms for a set block of time.

I did this workout for 40 minutes can choose to do pretty much any block of time, though, such as 10, 15, 20 or even up to 40 like I did.

You're going to do 3 reps of one exercise, rest 10 seconds, then do 3 reps of the other exercise, rest 10 seconds, then repeat for the entire block of time. If you get to the point where you're starting to approach failure on either exercise, go to 20 seconds rest in between sets.

The goal here is to NOT ever hit failure, but to overload the muscles with training volume. The usage of STRETCH exercises is going to make this even more powerful.

I will warn you up front, if you've not focused on stretch exercises before (probably even if you have), you will get VERY sore from these, especially if you go for a longer block of time.

One other very important thing to mention...DO NOT go fast on these exercises. The stretch position is a vulnerable position for the want to ease into the position, hold and feel the stretch, then use muscle contraction to begin the movement in the other direction...NEVER bounce out of the bottom.

You'll see this in the video...the exercise demo starts at about the 4 minute mark


Exercise #1 - Stretch Behind-the-Back Bodyweight Curls

The bar should be set at about waist height for both exercises. In a rack, the bar should be pulled up against the uprights so that the bar has something to brace against. This won't be an issue on a Smith machine or a solid railing.

Stand with the bar behind you and grip it just outside of shoulder width with your arms bent and your body up against the bar.

Lower yourself down until your knees are ALMOST touching the ground. Don't let them actually touch the ground as that will diminish or release the tension in the biceps.

You should feel a HUGE stretch in the biceps here. Externally rotate your shoulders to maximize the stretch (outwards rotation).

Hold that stretch at the bottom for a few seconds, feeling and maintaining the strong stretch.

Now come up by basically STANDING up, keeping your body pushing forward as you come up...this keeps tension on the biceps. Don't do this all. It's a slow, deliberate movement, feeling the tension in the biceps the entire time.

As you come up and your hips and knees straighten, THEN you will pull backwards with your biceps, bringing your body back towards the bar again.

I would recommend you practice this exercise for a few sets before you actually get into the workout, to make sure you feel it working. When you do the actual workout, you will get plenty of practice with it, too. This will give you the opportunity to really explore the stretch and movement.

Now take 10 seconds rest before going to the other exercise.


Exercise #2 - Bodyweight Tricep Extensions

This is one of my absolute favorite exercises for building and developing the triceps, specifically the long head (which is the biggest of the three heads).

This is also where the bench comes in.

Stand on the bench and set your hands on the bar with a thumbless grip. Because of my rack setup, I have the bench outside the rack and I'm pushing inwards. Ideally, it's better if you have the bench set so that you can push the bar into the uprights of the rack.

Since that wasn't an option for me (and because I didn't want to keep moving equipment around), I went with this. Since I have rubber grip strips on the rails, the bar didn't really move on my setup, however if you have steel rails the bar may slide if you set it up like me.

In that case, I would actually recommend you set the bench to one side of the rack and set your hands on the RAIL rather than the bar (which I also don't have room to set up to demo). The key is just to find a setup that's solid.

Once your hands are set on the bar, externally rotate your shoulders (outwards) so that the insides of your elbows are pointing forwards. This makes the elbow joint a better hinge for hitting the triceps and will prevent outwards flaring of the elbows.

Lower your head under the bar slowly and under control. To make this exercise easier, you can move the bench closer to the make it harder, move it away. The difficulty should be moderate in terms of setting as you're going to be doing a LOT of reps and it will catch up to you.

Hold the stretch for a few seconds, then push back up to the top.

Perform 3 reps, then rest 10 seconds, then go back to the biceps exercise for 3 reps.


The Time-Volume Training Workout Structure

Repeat this cycle continuously for your entire time block, doing 3 reps and taking 10 seconds rest.

You can read more about how this protocol works here (the rundown is about 1/4 of the way down the page).

I manged to go the entire 40 minutes staying with 10 seconds rest, however don't be a hero...if you feel yourself approaching failure or pushing too hard on any of the reps, go immediately to 20 seconds rest.

We're going to overload the arms with VOLUME...and pushing too hard will compromise the goal of the workout.

This one is fantastic for the arms...and all you need is a bar and a bench!


Watch the full video of the workout here (rundown plus demo)

Start from the exercise demo here.


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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