Subject: KILLER Lactic Acid protocol for chest...(great for stubborn fat)

Lactic Acid Training is one of THE best methods
for burning stubborn fat while maintaining
muscle mass.

The mechanism by which this happens is via Growth Hormone...
because massive Lactic acid accumulation ramps up GH
secretion in the body in response.

And GH is one of the primary hormones for burning fat in your body.

This version of Lactic Acid Training is're going to
do 100 reps of barbell bench press. And yes, it will BURN...

The trick is, even though it's one "set"'re NOT going to
do the 100 reps all at once (unless you can, of course, in
which case you'll just increase the weight next time). We
actually WANT to extend the time of Lactic Acid production
during the set.

We're not doing a lot of reps just to burn calories...we're
looking for the build-up of waste products in the muscles,
which leads to the production of specific hormones in the
body in response.

This hormonal approach to fat loss is VERY fact,
it can help your body access those stubborn fat pockets that
simple calorie restriction and "normal" exercise simply can't
get at.

** Just fyi, I wish I could say this is going to burn stubborn
fat directly from your chest...if there's a way to efficiently
spot-target fat like that, I haven't found it yet. What it CAN
do, however, is help your body access stubborn fat stores
in general.

Lactic Acid Training in general is a key component of my
"Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss" program.

And seriously, if you're interested in stubborn fat loss and
you're looking for an effective program to get it done, this is
a program you'll definitely want to check out.


How To Do the 100-Rep Lactic Acid Bench Press "Set"

So first, take a weight you can get a lot of reps
least 30 to 50 reps or so. I'm using 95 lbs on the bar in the
demo here.

And crank out as MANY reps as you get until Lactic Acid
production shuts you down.

During this first part, you want to use a fast movement...I'm
also not coming to full lockout on every rep in order to keep
rep speed up and protect the joints. Full range of motion is
not important here...maximum Lactic Acid production IS.

When get to the point where your pace slows down a lot...
(i.e. the "pace break") try and gut out a few more reps
to really get the most Lactic Acid build-up. I think I got about
50 reps on the first part here.

Re-rack the bar and rest 10 seconds. This 10 seconds rest
is just enough time to clear out a bit of Lactic Acid but not
nearly enough for complete removal. It will also help
regenerate some energy in your muscles so you can keep

Because you're going to then pick it up and go AGAIN, doing
as many MORE reps as you can before Lactic Acid shuts
you down again.

On these reps, you DO want to go to full lockout. They'll be
slower and more deliberate...aim for muscle tension and
really squeezing the chest on every rep.

Again, re-rack the bar, rest 10 seconds then REPEAT.

Keep going in this pattern of doing as many reps as you
can, then taking 10 seconds rest, until you hit 100 TOTAL
reps, no matter how many sets it takes you to get there.

When you hit 100 reps, then you're done...and you will
have churned up MASSIVE amounts of Lactic Acid to
kick off the GH response.

As I mentioned above, if you can hit 100 reps the first time
you do this, the next time you do this, increase the weight
so it forces you to stop and break up the set. Extending
this time of Lactic Acid production is what we're looking
for and using too light a weight won't maximize it.

I would recommend performing one or two sets (at the
most) for a bodypart. I like to switch to a different exercise
for the second set, but you can certainly perform the same
exercise again, if you like.

Make sure and take at least 2 to 3 minutes rest in between
sets, though, so that you actually get a decent amount of
Lactic Acid removal from the target muscles so that you're
able to get enough reps on the first part of the set.


This is a VERY challenging addition to Lactic
Acid, it's going to hammer your Type 1, slow twitch muscle
fibers very hard...likely to a level you've not experienced
before. Expect serious soreness for the next few days (and
soreness is NEVER the goal, but often a side effect).

You can apply it to almost ANY exercise and bodypart...even
squats and deadlifts. The only exercises I wouldn't
recommend using it for would be explosive, technical lifts
like Olympics lifts, power cleans, etc. That's just asking for

Lactic Acid Training is definitely my favorite method for
targeting and accessing stubborn bodyfat pockets. It's not
un-painful, but it's EXTREMELY effective, which is exactly
why it's a core component of my Metabolic Surge - Rapid
Fat Loss

And once you've given this 100 rep technique a try, feel
free to email me back in a couple of days to complain...I'm
a good listener... ;)

If you want to watch the whole set on video, I've posted
that to my YouTube channel here

Be sure to subscribe, if you haven't already!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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