Subject: KEEP your strength while losing fat...[new Time-Volume method]...

You DON'T have to accept losing strength as a consequence of losing long as you know how to train to maintain it.

This version of my Time-Volume Training protocol is all about maintaining strength while training for fat-loss. And it's AWESOME.

What you're going to be doing is very simple...cycle through 1 rep of 4 different exercises with 10 seconds rest ...for 40 minutes.

The four exercises are going to be deadlifts (straight or trap bar), bench press, stiff-legged deadlifts, and Zercher "Bench" Squats. This sequence works every major muscle group in your body.

NOTE: you can sub in other versions of these exercises, if you like, depending on the equipment you have available and how crowded (or empty) your gym is. This version requires two barbells, a bench, and either a power rack or a bench press station (either one is fine).

Weight selection is going to be key's what I used, to give you an idea.

1. Trap Bar Deadlift - 315 lbs. This is actually a pretty easy weight for me for this exercise...however, I did this for a reason, which I'll tell you in a second.

2. Barbell Bench Press - 225 lbs. I could hit about 8-10 reps with this.

3. Trap Bar Stiff-Legged Deadlift - 315 lbs (same bar...that's the reason). I could normally get about 8-10 reps on this exercise with that weight. Because I wanted to keep the bar usage to a minimum, I decided to just use the same weight for both deadlift variations, even though one is stronger.

4. Zercher "Bench" Squats - 225 lbs. This is the same bar and weight as the bench press. I recommend using a towel to pad the bar as well.

Here's what the sequence looks like:

Perform one rep of Trap Bar Deadlift.

Rest 10 seconds.

Perform one rep of Barbell Bench Press.

Rest 10 seconds.

Perform one rep of Stiff-Legged Deadlifts.

Rest 10 seconds.

Perform one rep of Zercher Bench Squats.

Sit fully on the bench at the bottom.

Rest 10 seconds.

Then just repeat the sequence...continuously...for 40 minutes.

If you ever get to the point where you'd have to really grind to get a rep, or if you actually fail on a rep, increase your rest time in between reps to 20 seconds. If you hit that point again, then rest goes to 30 seconds.

If your weight selection is on target, you should be able to keep to 10 seconds rest the entire way through. It will be a challenge, but it is definitely doable.

Using singles like this allows you to work with relatively heavy weight (which preserves strength) for high volume (which boosts the metabolism for fat loss and burns a LOT of calories while actually training).

And fair warning...10 seconds of rest goes VERY fast. I recommend using a timer to keep you honest. It's basically just enough time to catch your breath for a few seconds then set up for the next exercise (as you'll see in the video).

Check out the video of this workout on my YouTube Channel here...

Overall, this is a GREAT workout for staying strong while losing fat!


Last Chance...Get Your MIND Into the Game

TODAY is your last chance to pick up the Psychology of Strength course from Mike Gillette for 60% off the regular price. This price expires at midnight tonight.

The program is available either as a digital download or DVDs/book that will get shipped to your door, however, they are down to less than 19 physical copies remaining, so if you were meaning to grab this, do it asap because it will be awhile before they're able to get more  DVDs/Books made.

Last Day to Get the Psychology of Strength 60% OFF

To me, when it comes to training (and almost anything in life) success is primarily MENTAL.

Without having your mindset dialed in, you're really selling yourself short on what you can accomplish in the gym and out of the gym.

And that's what this course is all about...taking your MIND to a whole new level.

The Psychology of Strength Program gives you a practical, step-by-step blueprint to rapidly developing mental toughness while putting a stop to the fear and self-limiting beliefs that always seem to sabotoge your success.

I've worked through some of the techniques in the program and I have to say, this stuff in ON POINT....

...and it can be done in MINUTES a day.

Try Mike Gillette’s Psychology of Strength for 60 days and experience for yourself the speed and ease at which you start developing rock-solid mental toughness. Silence your fears and discover how to tap into your peak performance state by focusing on a few simple mindset exercises that only take a few minutes each day.

And just fyi, if for any reason at all you're not 100% satisfied you can have 100% of your money back. No questions asked.

Last Day to Get the Psychology of Strength 60% OFF

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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