Subject: Just updated the Metabolic Surge Workout Sheet PDF...

From Nick Nilsson
Author of Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss

Good news!

I just did a quick update on the Metabolic Surge workout sheet
PDF file. I've got all the workout sheets now fitting on just one
page each (easier to print and use that way - some were on 2
pages in the original file).

I also did a MASSIVE overhaul on the bookmarking system in the
PDF file itself, so now it's WAY easier to navigate to the exact
workout you want to look at. Just click the bookmark thing on the
left side then just use the titles to get to where you want to

This is a direct link to the file, so right-click and choose
"Save target as" to download this directly to your computer.


That's it for now! Going to be adding a bunch more exercises to
the online exercise database very soon AND...drum roll

I'm also going to be putting together professionally-printed and
bound versions of the updated Metabolic Surge program.

And here's the cool thing with that...being a current owner of
the program, I'm not going to ask you to pay full retail if you
want one of those. I'll send you a link where you can grab it at
cost...only covering printing and shipping.

Watch for that tomorrow!


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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