Subject: Is your current warm-up KILLING your strength?

Warming up is critically important...but are you
warming up TOO MUCH and actually SAPPING
your strength?

It can happen!

This type of thing is not such a big deal with normal training weights...

However, if you're getting ready for a One Rep Max attempt
you HAVE to know to warm up while preserving your strength.

You have to strike a balance between not getting warmed-up
ENOUGH (and risking injury or not getting a
true 1 RM) and
warming up TOO MUCH, and compromising your strength (and
again, not getting a good 1RM).

Nick Nilsson Deadlift - 475 pounds

It's enough to drive you insane!

I'm going to teach you the strategy that I use...and you can
use it as a guideline to base your own preparations on, or
take whatever parts of it you find useful.

(and yes, you CAN apply this template to any other
exercises you want to max out in!).

Learn how to properly warm-up for a
One-Rep Max Deadlift here...


One More Quick Thing...50% OFF Blue Star Supplements

Let me just start by saying, I'm a BIG fan of Blue Star Nutraceuticals.

They have excellent, high-quality supplements that are
well-formulated and contain exactly what they say they
contain (which is actually a big deal in the supplement
world, crazy as that sounds!).

And right now, they're running a sale where you can get
50% off ANY of their capsule products.

Use the coupon code TAKE50 when you check out
to get your discount.

Check out Blue Star here and get 50% off all their  capsule supplements with the coupon code TAKE50

This is a GREAT deal and one I wanted to make sure I got
over to you right away.

If you're due to stock up on supplements like multivitamins,
fish oil (every batch is IFOS certified), BCAA's, or creatine (they
do have a capsule version called PowerXD), I would DEFINITELY
recommend you order from Blue Star.

Check out Blue Star here and get 50% off all their
capsule supplements with the coupon code TAKE50


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

Find me on Facebook Follow Me On Twitter My YouTube Channel

Plain text links from this email:

I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

Be sure to visit (and like!) my Facebook fan page and subscribe to my
YouTube channel for more free exercises and training techniques.

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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.
