Subject: Is this the BEST upper chest exercise ever? Yep...(and it is a bit nuts)

And seriously, and I don't say "best upper
chest exercise" lightly...

The upper chest can be a TOUGH area to effectively
target...and therefore most people end up lacking in
upper pec development.

Yet, having a well-developed upper chest is ESSENTIAL
for a complete physique and a full chest.

So if regular incline presses haven't done the trick for
you, it's time to try something new. It's time to try THIS

Because honestly, it's one of THE most effective
upper chest exercises I've EVER found.

To do this one, you'll need an adjustable incline bench,
a pair of moderate-weight dumbbells and a wall.

I've posted a "flat bench" version of this exercise
before...that version is done using heavier weight on a
flat bench. It also targets the upper chest, though not
quite to the same degree that this incline version does.

Set your incline bench to a fairly shallow angle...maybe
20-30 degrees or so, at the most. This shallow angle
is critical for exercise performance...because if you go
too steep, you'll end up with the dumbbells too far
away from the wall (you'll see).

Grab the dumbbells and set them on end on your thighs.
Start fairly light the first time you do this one, to get an
idea of how it's done and to make sure your setup is
good. You can go up in weight from there.

Kick them up then get them into the top position of the
incline press.

Now, push the dumbbells TOGETHER and KEEP them
together through this first part of the exercise. This is
CRITICAL for stability during this phase.

If you let them separate, the dumbbells will move around
too much and potentially cause you to lose control of
them. So yeah, DO NOT let them separate.

In addition to stability, this also gives you some activation
of the pecs (the function of which is to bring the arms in
towards the centerline of the body, which is exactly what
you're doing here by pushing the dumbbells together).

Allow the dumbbells to shift backwards (under control)
over your head until they're fully resting against the wall.
Note the angle of my arms at the shoulder...this is the
equivalent of a very high incline press now.

HOLD this position for at least 2 to 3 seconds, feeling
the tension developing in the upper chest as you push
to keep the dumbbells in position against the wall.
Squeeze the pecs HARD and continue pushing the
dumbbells together.

Now make sure your feet and locked in on the floor or
against the bench. You're going to do a short "pullover"
type of movement, bringing the dumbbells from the wall
back into the top position of the incline press.

The pecs are fan-shaped muscles and angles of pull
are important...this short pullover movement shifts tension
over a greater area of the upper pectoral portion of the
muscle then just a simple press.

When you've got the dumbbells in the top position, now
do a normal incline bench press.

Press back to the top position, then repeat the sequence,
pushing the dumbbells together at the top, then letting
them shift backwards against the wall again.

Alternate reps of this with reps of full incline dumbbell
bench presses.

When you've completed your set (aim for about 6 to 8
reps of EACH portion of the movement), your upper
chest will be pumped up like crazy...and will have been
worked probably better than it EVER has.

This is an exercise you can use in place of any other
incline pressing you're currently doing. Personally, I've
found this two-part exercise to be THE most effective
upper-pec exercise I've EVER found.


I would definitely recommend checking out the video for
this's posted on my YouTube Channel (which
you should already be subscribed to ;)...

...if you're not what are you waiting for! It's free and it's
where I post video of all this insane stuff that I do!


If you'd like MORE chest exercises like this, check out my book
"The Best Chest Exercises You've Never Heard Of!"...this book
is PACKED with cool, new chest movements just like this..

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
training lab every day with one singular experiment
with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.

Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass
Mad Scientist Muscle
Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt Now!
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