Subject: Is this spice the FIX for stubborn fat?

Very possibly... here's why...

Beyond being an excellent anti-inflammatory, turmeric actually has direct effects on bodyfat.


Curcumin, the active component of the spice, can actually block the growth of blood vessels that supply fat tissue.

Without the supply of nutrients, the body is prompted to BURN the fat instead of storing it.

[the following is excerpted from an article on the "Power of Positivity" website]

In 2009, researchers at Tufts University reported a study that indicated that curcumin slowed weight gain in mice by preventing new adipose tissue from forming. As a person or mouse gains weight, new blood vessels form along with the increasing fat tissue. The researchers found that feeding mice curcumin prevented them from developing new blood vessels, and the mice developed less fat tissue. They also had less fat in their livers and lower cholesterol levels than did mice who weren’t fed curcumin.

Even better...


Curcumin can help convert "white fat" into more metabolically active "brown fat"...

There are two types of adipose tissue: white and brown. White adipose tissue stores energy. When people gain weight, they gain more and more white adipose tissue. Brown adipose tissue, on the other hand, helps produce heat by burning fat. A neurotransmitter called norepinephrine helps convert white adipose tissue into brown adipose tissue.

In 2015, the science journal “Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications” found that feeding curcumin to mice increased the amount of norepinephrine in their bodies. The added norepinephrine triggered the browning of their white adipose tissue, and the mice lost both weight and fat, even though they were still eating the same amount of food.


Curcumin can even help destroy fat cells...

The researchers also found that curcumin could both suppress the production new fat and increase the protein levels of the enzymes p-acyl-CoA carboxylase and hormone-sensitive lipase.

The practical result is that curcumin improved the enzymes’ ability to destroy fat cells.


Very interesting, right?

Now, naturally, in order to lose fat, you still need be in a caloric's not one of those "eat whatever you want" type things.

However, from what the research shows, it has mechanisms that can legitimately help you with the fat loss process.

If you want to try it out but don't know a good source...

You can grab an (almost) free bottle of Turmeric here (just cover shipping)

This is a killer deal from a good friend of mine, Rick Kaselj, owner of the company.

I've tested the product myself and I really like it.

Turmeric, in my opinion, is very well supported for a variety of reasons...and the evidence really points to it being effective in helping to target stubborn fat.

This is not some weird chemical that has no research behind it. It's good stuff and well proven.

And for essentially free..the price is right :)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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