Subject: Is this fat you're eating causing brain aging?...(and how to reverse it)...

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This is fascinating stuff...I've read through it and the research backs it up.

The idea is this...

There's a toxic chemical...a lipid (fat) that was introduced into our food supply about a hundred years's what helps fatten up livestock much faster than is naturally possible with regular feed.

Then, of course, we eat those animals...

(and even if you don't eat meat or much meat, this stuff is in salad kits, too)


This lipid gets into the bloodstream and into the brain forming amyloid plaques that cause Alzheimer’s and dementia.

There IS a solution, though...a natural way to stop these plaques from forming in the first place.

It works in just 45 seconds, so you can start thinking and acting decades younger.

Emil Kraepelin was the first scientist to discover how to reverse brain aging...

It's called the Kraepelin method, named after Emil Kraepelin, the “godfather” of Alzheimer’s disease.

And not only does this method prevent amyloid plaques from forming...

Can't see this image? Click on 'load images' or 'always allow images for this sender' also breaks down the plaques that have been in your brain for years.

The more this plaque builds up in the brain and the more scar tissue that forms as a result, the worse it is for our brain cells…

Because the brain cells lose their connectivity when these harmful plaques form in the brain, and then different parts of the brain stop communicating with each other.

However, if you can get rid of these plaques, this will decrease your odds of ever getting Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, or any form of cognitive decline.

It works on the true cause of brain aging and fixes it naturally and safely… 

And, according to the research, it only takes 45 seconds to start working. And it’s so simple, it will just become part of your daily routine.

Discover how to reverse brain aging in 45 seconds with the Kraepelin Method -- keep a young mind and memory decades longer.


Quick Note: The Kraepelin Method is contained within a report called the "Fat Depletion Protocol"... I've read through it and found the information to be downright fascinating. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but even as counterintuitive as some of the information sounds, I think it does have real potential to be effective. The mechanism makes sense from a scientifici perspective.

Be sure to read through all the terms before you pick up the Fat Depletion Protocol, so you know exactly what to expect. If you want to cancel, you can do so any time and I'll be happy to help, if you need it!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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