Subject: Is this CHOCOLATE healthier than kale?

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Well, first off, does it taste better than kale... yes, it absolutely does...

And not all chocolates are created equal (clearly, a Hershey bar is not healthier than kale).

The RIGHT kind of chocolate CAN actually have even greater health benefits than kale, though.

Different foods have what’s called an ORAC score that measures antioxidant activity.

The higher the score, the better that food fights free radicals in your body.

Here's where it gets interesting...

  • Broccoli has an ORAC score of 890…
  • Kale has an ORAC score of 1,770…
  • But raw cacao powder has an ORAC antioxidant score of 95,500.

That’s nearly 107X MORE free-radical fighting-power than broccoli!

Now obviously you’re never going to eat a spoonful of raw cacao powder.

That would be almost as bad as eating a spoonful of cinnamon (Google the cinnamon challenge and you'll be very entertained by what happens when a person tries to do that!)


Now...what if you could get ALL the antioxidant power of cacao in a smooth chocolatey drink you can enjoy multiple times a day...even before bed?

And what if that chocolatey drink had additional superfood ingredients to...

  • Boost your energy
  • Control your appetite
  • And maintain healthy blood pressure levels already in normal range


You CAN get chocolate like this, and I've tried it...

It's a special Peruvian cacao that's not bitter all (that's what I found, at least) actually has a nice, light chocolately flavor to it.

I've tried other cacao powders as well as cacao nibs and found the bitterness to be a bit too much. That's not the case with this stuff at all.

I would take it before bed in a about half a glass of water (so that it would be a bit more concentrated and give me even more chocolate flavor).

If you're a fan of chocolate and of being healthy, this is definitely worth trying out.

=> Check out this new GUILT-FREE chocolate drink here (delicious & healthy)

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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