Subject: Is seafood still safe to eat?

Fukushima radiation… mercury… heavy metals...farmed fish… does it even make sense to eat fish and seafood anymore?

One controversial “biohacker” and health coach says “YES”.

This is one page 32 of Anthony DiClementi’s Biohacker’s Guide

I agreed with most of what he said’s smart to eat lots of green veggies, lots of healthy fats from coconut oil, avocado oil or whole avocados, etc.

But MOSTLY wild-caught fish and oysters? Why not grass-fed beef...or pastured chickens and eggs, or bison, lamb?...

Suppose you DON’T experiment and try things out for yourself, you don’t dive into the research or the reasoning behind the recommendations.

Look at what decades of “low-fat” and “high-carb” diets have done when no one questioned it all and just took it as a given that fat is the main culprit behind heart disease (which we know NOW isn’t the case) and we need to substitute it with margarine and copious amount of pasta, cereal and bread.

We’ve got obesity and increasing rates of chronic diseases...

Turns out, high-carbs = high sugar = inflammation and disease.

Healthy sources of fat? Complete reverse.

So fish, or not fish? THAT is the question.

The REASON that fish and seafood are so important is mainly because of DHA, a unique type of omega-3 fat that is known to be critical for brain development in children. (1)

DHA is the reason the “Cambrian explosion” happened over 580 million years ago, when life just exploded in our oceans...a key moment that would eventually pave the way for the human species way down the road.

It turns out that DHA is essential in absorbing sunlight. No DHA, no vitamin D.

Having enough DHA ensures that:

- Your mitochondria (the power plants in your cells) are able to convert sunlight and food to energy you can use

- Your body runs on the right timing...your circadian clock...meaning that every single cell is doing what’s it’s supposed to do at the right time (which is a core foundation in a well-functioning human body)

- You have a brain. No DHA, no brain development.

There’s SO much more to the story, but just understand that it might be the ONLY nutrient in the entire food chain that is really ESSENTIAL.

THAT is why Anthony advocates eating a ton of fish and seafood. Grass-fed beef is good and does contain some DHA, but the DHA coming from the sea, is far superior.

What about mercury contamination, radiation etc? That is a concern...

However, the more you look into it, the more eating seafood and fish seems to bring way more good than harm...the benefits far exceed the costs, and could potentially even mitigate them, as with the selenium found in seafood that could actually prevent your body from absorbing the mercury. (2)

So what do you do? According to Anthony...

- If you can, eat seafood every single day

- Wild-caught is way better than farmed, but even farmed fish might do more good than harm if that’s all you have access to -- same for all other seafood

- Canned sardines and anchovies are a great choice

Inexpensive, very high in DHA, and very low on the food chain

- Canned smoked oysters are also an amazing and very affordable choice -- Costco sells them for peanuts

- Eating raw oysters or fish (in sushi) might be even more beneficial because the DHA in them is undamaged and more bioavailable

- Other key nutrients found in fish and seafood include selenium, iodine, zinc, magnesium and bioavailable calcium

- Avoid tuna and large fish, and focus on smaller fish like sardines, tilapia, salmon, trout, etc. since they don’t accumulate as many toxins

As always, just do your best. Even if it's just starting with one seafood-based meal a week.

Some subjects (like vitamin D or fish consumption) will likely always be controversial, but always make sure to keep an open mind regardless of the things you think and believe.

Anthony’s just-pay-for-shipping book is a great place to get started if you’re looking to take things to the next level with your health. It's fantastic information, backed by a ton of research.

===> The Biohacker’s Guide -- Ready For Your Next Level of Health Education? (just pay for shipping)

Nick Nilsson
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