Subject: Is estrogen dominance keeping your stubborn fat LOCKED UP?
And yep, this is important information for
both for women AND men...
Ever notice over the years how certain parts of your body
will lean out and develop incredibly fast, while other body
parts NEVER seem to change no matter how hard you
exercise or diet?
What if I told you it was because there is very high likelihood
that it’s because you may be affected by something called
Estrogen Dominance.
Symptoms include decreased libido, sluggish metabolism,
and insomnia.
The most common side effect of Estrogen Dominance is
excess and persistent fat storage in your most
stubborn spots, like the abdominal/belly and lower body
region (butt, hips and legs).
Here are 4 easy steps you can take, starting today, that
will help you STOP estrogen related fat storage and lose
more fat from your biggest problem areas:
==> STOP Estrogen Related Fat Storage (4 simple steps)
You’ll also discover a simple test you can take on yourself
for Methylation, which helps your body process toxins and
hormones, including the breakdown and removal of fat storing
In order for optimal estrogen metabolism to occur, your body
needs to efficiently methylate.
For many individuals, however, there is a genetic problem
this process called MTHFR...and it's VERY common.
How do you know if you have this problem?
Take the simple test found inside this brand new article
on the next page:
Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"