Subject: Is bulking up actually KILLING your muscle growth?

Quick answer is YES...

But there's more to it.

Knowledge is power and you need to know WHY bulking up
is killing your muscle growth
before you can really dig in and
do something about it.

Happens to a lot of guys...heck, I've fallen for that "bulking"
trap before.

When I first started training and gaining weight, I was just
so happy to be actually gaining weight, I didn't really care
that a lot of it was fat (I gained 75 lbs in my first 8 months
of training...and I'd say about half of it was fat).

Little did I know it was actually causing me MAJOR problems.

And then I made ANOTHER mistake when I tried to "cut"...
I dropped calories way too low and cut almost all fat out of
my diet. Lost a lot of muscle and strength and my energy
levels plummeted.

Here's what I should've done...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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