Subject: Is Cardio useless or a life-saving exercise? it useless or actually good for you?

This is question that I get quite a lot and honestly, my answer is that "it depends".

I know that sounds like a copout, but it's really the only answer...cardio is a tool in your training's good for some things and not good for other things.

My friend Anthony DiClementi talks about this in his book, The Biohacker’s Guide:

“Steady-state cardiovascular exercise has gotten an undeserved bad rap. Although resistance training is very effective for burning fat and building muscle, it’s pale in comparison to cardiovascular exercise when it comes to increasing energy, focus, and productivity.

Dozens of scientific studies have found that steady-state endurance exercise produces many metabolic and cardiovascular benefits, including:

- An increase in oxidative capacity of skeletal muscle (greater number and size of mitochondria)

- An increase in skeletal muscle myoglobin concentration (myoglobin is the primary oxygen-carrying protein in muscle tissues)

- A greater ability to oxidize fatty acids for energy

- An increase in stored glycogen

- A decrease in resting heart rate

- An increase in resting and exercise stroke volume

- An increase in maximum cardiac output

- An increase in VO2 max (which is one of the only things that has been scientifically proven to correlate with an increased lifespan in humans)”

Now, try to argue that “cardio is useless”. No, it’s not.

Each and every one coaching client Anthony has forced to jog for a mere 10 minutes every morning -- following his specific guidelines -- has seen every aspect of their health has get better.

They report having way more energy throughout the day. Their blood sugar is more stable. Their joints feel better (believe it or not!). Their mood is better. They sleep better. Anthony explains that this regular morning cardio is the key to creating a self-perpetuating cycle of good health.

Gurus who argue that steady-state exercise is not the most effective form of exercise for fat loss aren’t wrong. But dismissing it altogether is silly and shortsighted.

This is the biohacker’s way of doing things: run an experiment. Start doing just a couple minutes of cardio every morning and see if you feel this is “useless”, or if you feel 10X more productive during the day.

And if you want to get Anthony’s full exercise recommendations -- including…

  • The other types of exercise he recommends to build your muscle mass and speed metabolism

  • The ideal heart rate range, a neat hack you can do with baking soda to increase your endurance by 25%

  • How to counteract the effects of sitting all day

  • Advanced biohacks to recover faster (athletes or advanced trainees will LOVE this part!)

  • And a ton, ton more… (this is just from ONE chapter out of 25!)

Then make sure to take him up on his incredible offer and claim your free high-quality hard cover copy of “The Biohacker’s Guide”. You’ll only pay a couple of bucks for shipping.

Honestly, with the energy and dedication Anthony has put in this book, and the fact that it’s a 500+ pages BRICK, this is a stupidly good deal if you want to take your health to the next level:

==> Claim Your Free Copy Of The Biohacker’s Guide! (just pay a couple of bucks for shipping)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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