Subject: Increase your calorie burn and flexibility in 2 minutes? Last chance is TODAY...

So I just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that TODAY is the last chance you'll be able to pick up Tyler Bramlett's new "Bodyweight Flow" system for cheap (just 19 bucks).

Bottom line, it's an EXCELLENT system, expecially if you struggle with pain and stiffness from tight muscles and not enough TIME to fix the problem using "conventional" time-consuming methods like stretching, Yoga or Pilates.

His system will help you improve your flexbility and your PAIN-FREE range of motion using SHORT 2-3 minute sessions that improve flexibility and "remind" your body how to move.

If you have flexibility issues, get this. It's very effective stuff.

And yeah, I know flexibility doesn't sound all that "glamorous" :)...

So think in terms of what increased flexibility and less pain can DO for you...

- You can move better and you can move MORE.

- You can do exercises that work the bigger muscles of your body (for example, squats and deadlifts) that maybe you couldn't do before because of pain or stiffness.

- You can do them in a FULL range of motion, resulting in increased calorie burn and improved muscle development.

- Your stabilizing muscles will activate and work properly, ramping up the calories burned during any given movement (more muscles involved = more calories burned)

- You'll easily get past strength plateaus that stopped you when your body was "locked up"

And that's just in the GYM...

In everyday life, imagine being able to get up out of a chair without groaning...

...or picking up a bag of groceries without worrying if you're going to throw your back out...

...or being able to take the stairs instead of always having to wait for the elevator, even to just go up one floor!

And even if you're already strong as an ox and those things aren't a concern, you can also benefit from this type of training tremendously...'ll be able to squat deeper, with better form and (very soon) with more weight'll bench press more weight because your shoulders will be more stable and better able to stabilize the movement out of the bottom'll be able to deadlift more weight with better "protection" for your lower back because your hamstrings won't be so tight and you'll learn how to activate your glutes properly.


I could sit here and rattle off the benefits of this type of flexibility training for awhile...but the clock IS ticking on this offer... :)

19 bucks gets you the full system, but only until midnight tonight.

If you're interested in SEEING and TRYING OUT some of this information before you pick it up, no problem. Tyler has posted 3 routines that you can run through to see how they feel for you.

=> My Shoulders, Neck and Back Are Tight! I Need A Routine For My Upper Body

=> My Hips, Hamstrings And Ankles Are Tight! I Need A Routine For My Lower Body

=> My Full Body Is Always Tight! I Need A Routine That Will Loosen Up My Whole Body!


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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