Subject: In-Set Supersets to pile on the MASS...

What I wanted to do today is give you one of the SINGLE BEST hypertrophy training methods that I've got in my Mad Scientist Muscle program (that I will be permanently retiring on Sunday night)

I call it In-Set Supersets and it's going to be an eye-opener for you, if you've never tried it before.

I've got the full rundown on the technique here, along with sample exercises for every muscle group and a full, total-body In-Set Superset workout.

The key with this technique is that you're going to be alternating reps, back and forth, between two exercises for the same muscle group that share a start/end position.

One of the best examples of this is the lying tricep extension alternated with close grip bench press.

  • Use a weight you can get about 8-10 reps with on the extension.
  • Do one rep of the extension, come to the top position, which is also the top position of the press.
  • Then you do the press.
  • Then you repeat, alternating reps of each.
  • On the final set of that exercise that you're going to do, you can rep out on the stronger exercise (the press, in this case) until your triceps completely burn out. The pump is ENORMOUS when you do this.

I'll have pictures of this exercise (and for the rest of your body) here.

The reason this technique works so well is that you're targeting different muscle fibers and motor units in the same muscle during the same set. This dramatically ramps up muscle activation and blood flow into the muscle.

For my money, it's one of the most "high impact" muscle-building methods you can use.


So Here's the Retirement Deal...

1. Get Mad Scientist Muscle on its own for $7

You can pick up just the Mad Scientist Muscle program on its own for 7 bucks. You'll get every single program, method, video and bonus that goes along with it.

Click here to go to the main website for Mad Scientist Muscle to read more about it and order through the links at the bottom.


2. Get Mad Scientist Muscle, Metamorphosis and Two Block Mass TOGETHER for $27.

The regular price for all three of these books combined would be $75. I normally sell Metamorphosis on its own for $35. You're getting all three for 64% off that total price.

Click here to read more about Metamorphosis (but don't order off that page).

I don't have a website set up for Two Block Mass yet (that's coming very soon).

Click HERE to order all three books in one pacakge for just $27.

If you have any questions about any of these programs, let me know!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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