Subject: In-Set Superset of DB Split Squats And Forward Leans [in HD video]

Nick Nilsson


Hey, I’ve got another new sample from my Powerful Training
Secrets site for you!

In-Set Superset of Dumbell Split Squats And Forward Leans
Posted February 17th, 2011

If you want to work the posterior chain, glutes, lower back,
hams, quads, you name it in the lower body, this exercise is
going to do it. You're basically combining dumbell split squats
with one-legged stiff-leg deadlifts done in alternating
reps...and in High Definition :)

I just got myself a shiny new HD video camera and I've decided to
start adding in a rundown of each exercise before demonstrating
it. Let me know what you think in the comments on the page!

Check it out here:


Facebook Comments

Be sure to post your comments, ideas and experiences on the
page...I've got a comments section at the bottom that I've got
hooked into Facebook. You can "like" the exercise and even
post your comments so they show up on the page and get posted on
your Facebook profile.

I always enjoy the feedback I get from you!


P.S. If you haven't yet picked up that report on fish oil that I
posted a link to the other day, definitely grab it. Very good
info that's important to know if you currently take of plan to
take fish oil.

My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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