Subject: Imprint new habits in ONE day, not 21's how...

You’ve heard that it takes 21 days to change a habit, right?

Like stop eating sugar for 21 days and after that it’s easy and automatic.

Or start exercising (saving money, stop biting your nails, going to bed early, etc.) and once you hit that mark, you’re golden.

Well…unfortnately, that is actually WRONG.

The truth is that different habits, different people, all take different amounts of time.

One study found that it ranged anywhere from 18 days to 254 days!


That difference in habit change times is actually GOOD news and let me tell you why.

If it's adjustable...that means there may be ways to speed up the process.

If 18 days is possible, what about 17? What about 15? What about one week?

Or what about one single day?

It might sound unbelievable…but what if I told you someone is accomplishing exactly that?

My friend and colleague, Logan Christopher, is sharing how he is revolutionizing habit change in an upcoming webinar, "The Art and Science of Habits On Demand."

Go here now to learn how YOU can "reboot" your habits in record time! 

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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